View Full Version : Posture = IBS, anxiety and depression? I'm going to experiment...

07-04-13, 00:42
Does anyone know anything about bad posture and its relation to anxiety, IBS and other problems?

I have had major fatigue, abdominal and digestive problems lately and I"m wondeirng how much this could be linked to the terrible posture I have! I am really really bad. I slouch on the couch or in bed wiht my laptop. I never sit upright - I'm always sort of half lying with my shoulders hunched over. My husband comments on it all the time. It suddently occurred to me that maybe this has somthing to do with my health problems, so I did a quick google search and discovered there are many links to digestive problems, anxiety etc to your posture.

I've decided that I'm going to do my best to maintain a good posture from now on and see if that affects any of my symptoms.

Does anyone else feel like this could be a contributing factor for them?

07-04-13, 09:34
we are cut from the same cloth you and I :)

I did Qi Gong a few times and the guy on the video said if your physical balance improves then it often related to balance in all other aspects of your life. go into any chiropractors or holistic physio/therapy and you'll see posters on the walls about how posture relates to general and mental health.

It's all related in my opinion. Bad posture, bad habits, trapped energies, lethargy, laziness, not eating right, etc. You can see how causally linked they *can* be. I myself have had poor posture for as long as I remember. and i'm sure that has contributed to headaches and muscular tension.

Something else comes to mind too. That famous motivational speaker Andy Robins (?) made a good point once. Try saying to yourself out loud "I am going to be confident today" while in your slouched posture. Now say it again out loud while in correct and dominant posture and notice the difference. Noticable huh :)

I don't believe bad posture is necessarily causal of anxiety because a lack of energy or positive health may have led to the poor posture in the first place. But I do think its another link in the matrix of anxiety and poor health.

07-04-13, 10:46
This is something I am now focusing on. My physical symptoms are are pain/numbness in my upper body. Having been given the all clear regarding my heart, I asked my doctor why I was feeling all this discomfort. I know I am not imagining the symptoms, but I need the peace of mind that I don't have a physical illness.

He explained that my anxiety and my fear of my next panic attack has caused me to tense my shoulders, hold my head in the wrong position, keep my shoulders up near my ears, etc. over time this has exacerbated the situation. He did come out with some medical term, which I can't remember.

I now consciously walk with my arms dropped, I sit upright and straight rather than slouch. In bed, I position a pillow at side of my neck so I don't sleep in a bad position. I am noticing a small improvement, so I guess my answer to your question is 'YES'.

Hope you are all having a better day.


08-04-13, 12:11
Interesting comments - thanks very much guys.

Yes, I agree, it's all linked isn't it - not necessarily the cause, but could definitely exacerbate the problem and it turns into a viscious cycle. I suppose if you can break the cycle in one way it will then start the chain of healing, so definitely worth a shot. I'm finding it hard to remember - my body is so used to slouching that I keep going back to my old slouchy ways because it's more comfortable. Am thinking about buying a posture brace.

22-06-18, 01:14
Did anybody found any difference after change in posture ?
I am also suffering from IBS, Neck Pain, Sleep Issues, Anxiety. I feel I have a poor forward head posture.

29-06-18, 16:58
i know for sure posture definitely affects our breathing and digestion i highly suggest going to a chiropractor, the feeling will be from night to day.