View Full Version : Increasing Citalopram from 20 to 30mg, feeling worse??

07-04-13, 11:06
Hi all,

I have been taking 20mg for a few years with no major problems.

Recently, I had a serious relapse and was struggling so I upped my dose to 30 a few days ago. During this time, I have kind of resolved the problem that was upsetting me and had calmed down a bit which was such a relief.

However, this morning I have woken up as anxious as ever and I just want to cry. Could this be because I have the increased citalopram in my system? Could this make me worse before I get better like it did when I first started taking it?

Please help, I can't go on like this.

07-04-13, 11:39
Hi it will defiantly be the increase in cit, every increase can make you feel bad but it won't last long give it a few days and it should ease off x x

07-04-13, 11:49
Thank you so much for replying, that's great to hear that it could be the citalopram as it puts my mind at rest.

I was thinking of stopping the increase as of today, what affect do you think that would have?

The original problem that set me off is sorted now so I don't think I need the increase but worried about all these changes in levels and whether that will make me worse.

07-04-13, 12:10
If you stop the increase then it will take a while still for your levels to drop back down so you may still feel rough for a while but once you've settled on a dose you should be fine, increasing and decreasing can both bring unwanted and nasty side effects :-( x x

07-04-13, 13:58
Ok well at least I know that may happen and I can be prepared for it. Still not easy though as I'm sure everyone on here knows.

I am sitting in the long awaited sunshine while writing this, trying to fight it.

Thank you for taking the time to reply, really helps.