View Full Version : Worried to death with these symptoms

19-09-06, 15:56

I am a 37 year old male. 5’6” probably 2 stone overweight.

For the last two months or so, I have been suffering from what I believe to be Peripheral neuropathy, though it comes and goes and limits to 'Pins and Needles', no numbness. It is quite usual to have it in both feet and sometimes both little fingers (though sometimes just in my left hand. Sometimes indeed I get it in my left hand/forearm and nowhere else.

For the same sort of period, I have had a mild ringing in my ears too, though this varies.

I am a long term heavy drinker / smoker and fear that it maybe a side effect that I have read about.

I also think I have a slight 'ache' (rather than a pain) in my right hand side, just below the rib-cage (in the area of the liver). So obviously I am worrying myself sick about that.

I regularly stay up late and night and am probably sleep deficient.

I suffer from ‘night sweats’ and sweat profusely in the day, when others don’t even ‘glow’.

I also, however, have a history of anxiety and have previously been on SSRI meds.

How common is Peripheral Neuropathy ?

I know what I should do is abstain from drinking and smoking and change my sleep routine, but this is a lot to do in one go. I have tried for a few days here and there, but the symptoms do not seem to ease and I think withdrawl symptoms of my other vices start to kick in.

IF I am going to have a ‘symptom’ day, these symptoms are something that are there from the moment I awake, they don’t come on gradually as I ‘think about them’. I can have a run of a few days with no symptoms at all.

One thing I will say, is that the symptoms have got no worse in the 2 or so months. Am I right to take some solace from this, in that if it was something serious, it would have got worse and not stayed the same ?

I am too scared to go to my doctor, for what they might find and the extra anxiety I know that will bring on for fear of all the tests they will send me form (not to mention waiting for the results and fearing the worst).

Anyone experienced any of these symptoms, long term ?


19-09-06, 16:08
Hello Dave,Im sure you will get some great advice here.
Take care.;)

Ellen XX

19-09-06, 16:11
Hi Dave and welcome, just a thought but have you been tested for diabetes? Just the tingling and that can be a symptom of it! Feel free to pm me if you wanna chat luv kazzie x

19-09-06, 16:21
Thanks guys for your posts.

I had a finger prick test when I presented to a walk in clinic a few months ago reporting the Pins and Needles. I am sure that that was, amongst other tings to test blood suger levels for Diabetes. They told me it was anxiety. How can they tell so easily ? I have never had symptoms that have lasted 2 months !

To clarify for those of you who don't know, "Peripheral neuropathy" is nerve damage to the extreamities. This is something I think I've got, not something that's been medically diagnosed (apart from by Google !).


19-09-06, 16:36
I too was told it was anxiety but it was diabetes!!!! My feet and ankles are totaly numb now so I cannot urge you strongly enough to have a proper test done!!! luv kaz x

polly daydream
19-09-06, 21:13
Hi Dave and welcome to the forum.

Best wishes,


19-09-06, 23:58

As already suggested, you must get the pins and needles sorted. I too worry about going to Drs and having tests and then waiting for the results - you are just too scared about what they will say. I guess you have to think that the likely thing is you will be OK. You are not that old.

My advice would be to make some life-style adjustments if you can - just cutting down on the cigs and alcohol will make a big difference. Also, if you can ensure a healthy diet (no processed food or take aways), lots of fruit and veg and water. This may help with the liver pain you describe.

Good luck,


20-09-06, 10:12
Hi Dave

I think what you should do, as I did a little while back, is firstly go to your GP and ask for help in cutting down the alcohol intake. He/she can prescribe meds short term to take the edge off the side effects which, I know, can be awful.
Don't worry about the smoking for the moment, as it is the heavy alcohol use which is more than likely having the most effect on your anxiety. You can tackle the fags later!
Once you can do this I can almost certainly say you will feel calmer, not only because you've removed the 'drug' fuelling the anxiety, but because you'll know you've eliminated one factor that could cause you illness. Does that make sense?
When you feel calmer, go back and describe your symptoms, and I'm sure you'll feel that bit more ready to deal with any problems.
I will stress though, that almost every symptom you describe can be attributed to anxiety itself. And that may be 'all' it is.

Take care and try not to worry too much.

20-09-06, 11:11
Hi everyone

Thanks so much for your kind replies.


20-09-06, 11:54
I actually thought the liver was on our right hand side? [:I]
I get the ache on the right side after a heavy night out and my other half does too. We have recently cut down because we over did it i think.
I would try some relaxation cd's, apparently they can really help with anxiety. And possibly lessen the worrying stmptoms eventually.
C x

Pete to win Big Brother 7

20-09-06, 12:17
[Duh!] Sorry, yes you are absolutely correct, it is on the right and that's what I meant ! See how messed up I am :)

20-09-06, 12:50
Actually Dave

I've always been told that pain in the liver is rare (not unheard of, but rare) unless there is an injury.

I may be wrong but I googled this before and thats what I found.

20-09-06, 13:01
Yeah I have to say, I'd heard that too, but as you know, when you 'think' you're experiencing it, the mind doesn't listen to reason .... [:I]