View Full Version : Ended up with the crisis team.

07-04-13, 11:42
I ended up with the crisis team Friday night I just cant take this 24/7 severe anxiety I feel like my heads going to explode no matter what I do it just makes no difference WHY I need to do something?

My Mum and Dad have now cancelled their 3 week holiday as I need them around and I feel so guilty.

I have a month a baby boy I feel so guilty.

I have a great supportive partner I feel so guilty.


07-04-13, 13:03
Don't feel guilty, anxiety is an illness just like any other and I would do the same if any of my family were ill and I would not want them to feel guilty for changing my plans. I had 24/7 severe anxiety for some time but I am now back to enjoying my life to a certain extent (I do get little 'blips' now and again) It is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you feel so ill but you will get there. :hugs:

07-04-13, 14:18
Thinking of you Matt and sending :hugs:

This will pass - nothing stays the same even if you do nothing at all to change.

Feeling guilty is common in your position but try to see it from your partners, parents or babies perspective. All they want is for you to get better, they probably feel helpless. If they were you, you would not want them to feel guilty, they and you know that you can not stop feeling scared, it is not something you can think your way out of. So you have nothing to feel guilty about, if you had had a stroke your parents would of had to cancel their holiday, severe anxiety is very disabling - do not underplay what you are going through.
As Annie says I would cancel any plans if anyone I cared about needed me around because they were suffering - that's what parents, friends, family do for each other - no guilt needed!

Were the crisis team any help? Did they suggest or do anything that you can see will help you?

Please remember this will pass, take one minute at a time - do not look ahead or back just be in this minute and try the best you can to accept and tolerate your feelings.

Take care

07-04-13, 15:27
Matt don't feel guilty, last year my parents had to cancel their two week holiday as i was so ill with my anxiety and they felt that they couldn't leave me even though Im married with a child, i was also under the crisis team and with their help and a great psychiatrist Im 100 times better than i was so please believe me when i say it gets better because it does, its at times like this we need the support of our family, friends and professionals x x