View Full Version : Burning beneath left shoulder blade

07-04-13, 19:24
Hi everyone,

I've had a burning sensation under my left shoulder on and off for a while now. In wondering whether it's muscular or kidney related? I've had lots of kidney infections and this doesn't feel like one- it's worse when I lean back or twist but it's there even when I'm not moving. Im not feverish or going to the loo more often and my urine isn't a funny colour.

I do go to the gym and I carry my very heavy baby on my left side...

could it be anxiety? I'm having an awful time with my health anxiety at the moment...I'm usually worried about bowel cancer so my worst fears are that there's a tumour in my bowel pressing on my back or I've got kidney or spine cancer : (

Any reassurance or advice welcome xxx

07-04-13, 19:26
If you are carrying your baby on your left side then I would say it is muscular.

07-04-13, 19:34
I should add that I had blood tests a couple of months ago that were normal.

07-04-13, 19:38
My children are grown up now but I still remember the aching shoulders and back aches from carrying them. I am sure that is what it will be with you :) x

07-04-13, 19:38
Certainly doesn't sound like anything horrible Button. I completely understand how you are. My HA is through the roof at the moment over kidney cancer fears. I have got bruises on both sides of my tum where I have been prodding and looking for lumps. Today I was looking in the mirror and noticed that my back is more prominent on the right (the side I'm worrying about) and decided it must be cancer causing swelling. I really am in a mess:weep:

Sarah x