View Full Version : Earache, Sensitive Teeth & Headache

07-04-13, 21:53
I am getting really worried about my symptoms and am starting to think is it something more serious....I just googled brain tumours and had to stop.
I have had sensitive teeth on one side for a while and this horrible earache that comes and goes, along with pains by my eye on same side.
I have thought its stress cos it feels a pressure thing and am on beta blocker tablets which are good for preventing headaches when I went to the docs...
They seemed to help but am getting the jaw pain and earache again.
I am a worrier but hate having symptoms that seem to last...one doc said it was TMJ the jaw condition, the other probably thought me stressed and anxiety...but whatever it is I want it to go away as hate having the pain.
Has anybody suffered anything like this?? x

08-04-13, 07:56
I'm not sure it's the same thing, but I have had similar pains related to clenching my jaw at night. It seems to be a common thing with anxiety sufferers, but when I'm asleep I clench or bite my jaw down really hard. This causes my teeth to feel sensitive or hurt, jaw pains and facial pains. The ear pain I get is down to the nerves in the jaw/throat/ears being so complex you will often have a painful throat but it seems like your ears. You can get teeth guard things from the dentist the ease the pressure if that's the case...hope that helps?

08-04-13, 18:53
i have this also and have just cracked 2 teeth :( i think mine is purely from grinding my teeth at night

08-04-13, 19:12
I had this a couple of months ago, just before my first 'crisis'. Constant headache with pressure behind my left eye in particular, chronic stiff neck and sensitive teeth, again on my left side. The symptoms got so bad I went to A&E. They did a CT scan as they wanted to rule out anything more serious. It came back clear, although at the time I wish it didn't as I could have made sense of all the horribleness. It's taken a long time with new medication and rest, but it has got a lot better.
Sue x

08-04-13, 19:26
It does sound anxiety related, I have facial pain and a prickly skin feeling over my scalp due to anxiety. I have had a few episodes of tooth nerve pain, like the shocks you can get when stopping antidepressants but it happens in my teeth, I've only had this symptom since starting and stopping SSRI's.
I would suggest you see your GP though just to rule out anything sinister, an eye test might be useful if you haven't had one in a couple of years.

09-04-13, 07:54
I have TMJ dysfunction and find that a lot of my ear aches come from that and it is possible to get headaches on one side with that too. But if you are getting tooth ache I would probably get it checked out. When did you go to the dentist last? Because holes or tooth infections can cause ear ache too.

All the best aye

26-10-17, 21:02
I had this a couple of months ago, just before my first 'crisis'. Constant headache with pressure behind my left eye in particular, chronic stiff neck and sensitive teeth, again on my left side. The symptoms got so bad I went to A&E. They did a CT scan as they wanted to rule out anything more serious. It came back clear, although at the time I wish it didn't as I could have made sense of all the horribleness. It's taken a long time with new medication and rest, but it has got a lot better.
Sue x

Hi.... could I ask what medication you took which helped you with this issue? Thank you x