View Full Version : I've done all I can do, If I die, I die.

07-04-13, 22:09
A couple ofyou might know that I have been worried about myocarditis recently. Thats a viral infection of the heart muscle if you were unaware. I've convinced myself that I will soon die from this, a sudden death, like a few people I've read about. Healthy people, with their futures ahead of them. Perfectly fine, until they come down with flu like symptoms, a few dies later they drop dead. The virus attack their heart, causing some sort of arrhythmia that causes sudden death.

Since friday I've had a low grade fever, muscle aches, and a lack of appetite. These are my only symptoms, you'd think I would have developed a cough, or maybe a runny nose by now, but nope. Just a fever, muscle aches, and no hunger what so ever.

I've been to the hospital twice since friday, today I went they took a blood test checking my heart, did yet another ecg and everything came back clear. my body still aches and this fever will not go away, I'm getting little sleep, my shoulders are killing me. I know my death is soon. I talked to the doctor and he said myocarditis is extremely rare but I can't grasp that. I can see myself so much in the people I read about, I have almost the exact same symptoms as some of them, Just a slight fever and muscle aches, lack of appetite. Boom, out of no where dead.

The doctor tried to explain to me that dying this way is similar to winning the lottery, I still can't overcome this fear. but i've exhausted everything I can do, I've tried to get tests done in order to prevent something like this happening to me, to give myself some kind of reassurance. The only thing I'm assured about is that I will die soon at 22.

Is it possible to have a virus that just causes body aches, low grade fever and lack of appetite and thats it? Something doesn't feel right, ,I feel like my number is up.

I'm scared of death, please help.

07-04-13, 22:17
:hugs: hunny.
I to worry about death, its what set me off on my anxiety path.
I hope what you are feeling passes for you, im sure there is some logical explanation to how you are feeling but just now it feels as if there cant be. Your tests have come back fine so that should give you some comfort. I feel like every ache and pain is some sort of disease attacking me, but then i look on here and re read the symptoms page and it calms me. I used to Google everything, worse thing i ever did. Im sending you a big hugs. xx

07-04-13, 23:28
You'l be fine. I currently have a headache, and straight away jumped to internal bleeding. It's just our minds being irrational. Yes theres a chance, theres always a chance. The doctor would be lying if he said you can't ever possibly get it, because people do get it and it's a possibility. However I'm sure that it's at a later age. The older the more likely. At age 20-25 our bodies are still new and it's unlikely.

08-04-13, 00:59
I know how you feel, I am petrified of death. I think most of us on here fear that in some way, shape, or form. If we didn't I don't think we would have anxiety. My biggest thing is my heart, I am always on alert, for anything that just doesn't seem right. You have been to the Doctor, and had tests that were all fine, try to trust him, you will be okay. This will pass, but I know it's scary. You probably do have a simple virus. I hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

08-04-13, 09:08
I had to reply to your post because you remind me very much of myself when I was younger and my HA really started.

Initially I was convinced I'd die at 25 my doctor also tried similar techniques to your doctor to try and help me.

Anyway 25 came and went so then I decided I'd die at 33 and I'm now forty, fortunately I haven't set another age in my mind but with my HA how it is at the moment I'm convinced I'm about to die all the time anyway.

I think a lot of us will be able to relate to your post, the HA fear often stems from dying. When I was younger I always used to think that everytime I had a cold it was meningitis and I'd just die in my sleep.

I just wanted you to know you are not alone in your fears, I'm sure you are not going to die at 22 but just like everyone used to tell me the same thing, when you have convinced yourself it's very hard to believe.

A friend of mine had a virus a year ago and she had all the symptoms you are describing and it was just a virus. The other thing to bear in mind is that anxiety can cause numerous symptoms and I'm not saying all of your symptoms are down to anxiety but I'm sure it's not helping how you are feeling.

Take care x