View Full Version : Can someone help me with this?

07-04-13, 22:43
someone please help me
can someone put my mind at rest and tell me this isnt oral thrush?
am going crazy and cant cope with it
it wont go away,

07-04-13, 22:50
do you smoke??? i dont know if its thrush but ive seen something like that with friends of mine that smoke. your dentist might be the best person to ask as they deal with mouth issues all the time.

07-04-13, 22:54
no dont smoke, but it appeared sat morning and not gone away. am petrified its thrush

07-04-13, 22:58
Are you having any stomach trouble at the moment? I was told this sort of coating on the tongue is to do with constipation for example

07-04-13, 22:59
. if it is thrush dont worry as its easy for them to treat it but i realy couldnt say what it is, id make gp or dentist appt sorry couldnt be more helpful

07-04-13, 23:02
Are you having any stomach trouble at the moment? I was told this sort of coating on the tongue is to do with constipation for example

no more than usual. nothing bad, just appeared sat morning out of the blue. the mouthwash I have for thrush doesnt do anything

07-04-13, 23:05
I would see your doctor or dentist if its worrying you, just to put your mind at rest :hugs:

07-04-13, 23:30

---------- Post added at 23:30 ---------- Previous post was at 23:12 ----------

. if it is thrush dont worry as its easy for them to treat it but i realy couldnt say what it is, id make gp or dentist appt sorry couldnt be more helpful

its what it could be a cause of thats worryinh me