View Full Version : so scared of death

07-04-13, 23:39
Im having such a bad day :( im so scared of death. im terrified that i have ALS or some horrible disease. I dont wanna die now :( im only 19 years old. how can i get past this? i just feel like crying and just giving up. help please

07-04-13, 23:53
Hi Cbornet
I get scared of death too, its all part of health anxiety. Reading through posts here helps a lot and you quickly realise you are not alone and lots of people are going through the same things as you.

07-04-13, 23:57
yeah :( thats true. ive just never felt this hopeless before

08-04-13, 00:35
I've had this fear on/off for a few years now (I'm 25), and you're only 19, so so young, hopefully healthy? I know it's such a terrifying thing to think on, and when you suffer with depression (which sounds like you do have a bit of depression), it makes everything seem very bleak and unrealistic. I found that some things that help relieve these thoughts and fear, is to simply be around your family or friends, or whomever you may be closest too; and I mean simply being at home with them or out for a walk, shopping etc. If at home, take time out, even if you have to work, when you get home, make yourself something to eat (something you really enjoy eating), it sends great feelings through you, and take out your favourite film, or put on a video game. I know it sounds rather silly, but playing a video game really stimulates your brain and takes your thoughts of those morbid ones. I've suffered so terribly from this that I've screamed in the night, finding out I suffer from night terrors, but I don't want this for you and you seem like your not as bad as I am, which I'm thankful. So when you feel these thoughts over taking you, stop, pause. Remind yourself, your ok, breath very slowly from your stomach and out your mouth. Then think of good memories, something that brings warm feelings, and then try find something to do, even if it's just going the shop or what I suggested earlier. These don't sound like very much but I found them to be the most effective, I think having the ones you love around you, sends a connective charge or something, sending good vibes (how I like to see it). Also, find a goal, or a little dream you can put your effort into for the summer even if your just at home for the summer, you can make it enjoyable.
I know how hard it is, and it's so scary but you will be all right, and somedays will be better than others, but on those bad days just try do one of the things I suggested or a way that best suits you and hopefully it will help.
Also, if you feel the need to talk, even if your in a panic, night or day, just send me a message and I will try to help/give you advice. People like ourselves who suffer from these issues, should be there for each other and others.

08-04-13, 05:16
thanks. you made me feel a lot better. and yeah i've been really healthy all my life. so are my parents. I just make everything a catastrophe. and yeah id love to talk more. :)

08-04-13, 22:37
I am glad it helped :) Well you're a healthy 19 yr old, and your family are all healthy which is a very good thing. It's ok, I understand, when I am in that hopeless state of mind, everything looks like a catastrophe but it will be ok, and you have youth on your side, which means anything is possible for you right now. Anytime you feel like talking, just message me like I said more than happy to help :bighug1:

09-04-13, 01:42
I am petrified of death, thoughts of it fill my waking moments. Every symptom I get is going to lead to death in my mind. If I could make peace with dying my health anxiety would disappear I'm sure.

09-04-13, 05:41
same here. i wish i could figure out how to make peace with it

14-04-13, 11:37
I am not scared of my own death, just the possible deaths of those close to me, especially my children as I worry about whether I could cope emotionally
My advice would be to read, read, read. There is so much literature out there to help you with a fear of death. I have read so much about it as I did have a baby that died. Try reading about near death experiences. There is a recent book by Dr eben alexander, a doctor from the US who was at death's door and describes his near death experience. I have also read 'A Man's Search for Meaning' by Victor Frankl about his concentration camp experiences. I found it an excellent book and very uplifting.
Maybe if we can look death in the face and come to terms with it, it might not be so scary.
From my reading, I think that there is a bigger meaning to life than what we see and know now. Maybe it is the thought that this life is all there is/ has no meaning that really scares us.
Good luck