View Full Version : hello

08-04-13, 06:42
I am having an anxiety crisis at the mo. I have just moved to Cornwall with my fiance. We get married in July. We have had a few problems. We have bought a static luxury caravan. We have been arguing and he said some hurtful things to me. I am having trouble settling. I'm not working at the mo. My fiance is retired with a good pension. I drive but feel scared about driving even though he lent me an old sat nav. I am having second thoughts about getting married even though we were very happy when we lived together where we used to live. I have lost my confidence and seek his approval which I have never done before. Any advice. Feeling very anxious and tearful at the mo.

08-04-13, 07:41
Hi gipsofila. I'm sorry to hear about your situation. It must be stressful having just moved and uprooting your life, which is probably contributing to your fears about driving. I would consider getting some counselling to help with the anxiety and to talk about your fears. Maybe you could join some community groups too to help you settle in - you might meet some new friends and it could open doors in terms of getting a job too. Getting some kind of support network is really important. You will find lots of supportive people on here too and maybe even some who live near you.

15-04-13, 12:25
Thanks. I went to the doctor and I am getting some councilling soon. Been driving on my own. Went to the sports centre. going swimming and doing some excercise classes in the week too. Feeling much better today. Thanks:)