View Full Version : Vibrating foot

08-04-13, 15:46
Was just sat down and the sole of my foot started to vibrate!
is this a circulation problem or something?

08-04-13, 16:38
Its probably just a muscle twitching, I get it sometimes and it goes away quickly :)

08-04-13, 17:02
I get that too!! I'm not sure what it is... but it is annoying... I agree it is probably a muscle twitch.

08-04-13, 17:37
I get vibrating feet and legs, mine comes in pulses like an engine revving. I have had it on and off for over 20 years and believe me I have been tested for just about everything in that time.

Sometimes niggly back problems can cause these sorts of feelings because of nerve irritation.

08-04-13, 17:43
I get that a lot. I used to obsess over it a lot a few years ago but now I have moved on to other obsessions it doesn't bother me! It feels like a mobile phone vibrating inside my foot.