View Full Version : Been to Dr

08-04-13, 18:04
I'm really concerned about pressure in the front of my head, I've been to the doctors today and they think I have inflamed sinuses from my symptoms and have told me to do lots of steam inhalation to try and clear everything.

My question is can sinus problems cause headaches and bad pressure? I'm really worrying at the minute, I keep thinking I should go for an eye test but am too scared as to what they might find (I can't remember the last time I went it was years and years ago), I'm having pressure in the front of my head and top of my nose, my nose feels swollen inside and dry and is bleeding a little bit and one of my eyes feels irritated and a bit watery.

Trouble is I'm thinking about this all the time and I'm not sure how bad the symptoms are and how much my anxiety is adding to it.

I went shopping today and walked past the opticians and literally broke out in a cold sweat, I didn't even have an appt but it's just a reminder that I should go and can't because I'm petrified they are going to see a tumour or something.

I definately think I need to change my meds I don't feel like Fluoxetine is even touching my HA at the minute and I'm driving myself crazy.

Sorry for the rant just needed to get it all out there, can't say anything to family anymore they already think I'm completely mad!

08-04-13, 18:14
My hubby just back from the doctors with the same symptoms as u. Sinus and was told the same as you

I know it's scary but get an eye test you will feel so much better after x

08-04-13, 18:27
I am waiting to see a doc - can't get in for 2 weeks.

I think I have sinus issues as well.

I blow my nose and it is always bloody, I have pressure in the top of my nose and get headaches too.

I may try the steam inhalation if that is why they are suggesting for it then.

08-04-13, 18:49
Thanks Sparkle xx

Yes Nicola that's was they said, apparently they aren't quite sure how effective antibiotics are on sinus infections and she said as I'm not running a temperature she'd rather just try and clear it up naturally and steam is the best way to do it.

I thought it a bit strange as I said my sinuses are really dry but she said that's just because everything is so dried up and the steam will help loosen it up. She also said it might take a few goes before anything starts to shift but eventually my nose should start running and that will start clearing.

Must admit didn't think it had done anything at first but I have cleared quite a lot from my throat so hoping it works!

08-04-13, 19:05
I had terrible problems with this a few months ago, the pressure in my head was awful mainly at the front and bridge of nose, I was prescribed a steroid nose spray which has definitely helped.