View Full Version : Its time for me to leave, thanks to everyone

19-09-06, 19:32
Hi everyone

I just wanted to say that this site has helped me so much towards my recovery and I feel its the right time for me to leave the site.

I wont mention names, but I have made lots of friends and gained valuable information that I will remember forever.

As part of my recovery, I think its time for me to release the need for the site as living with anxiety 24/7 has been my life for 9 years and I now feel I can let it go but that means letting go the need to come on here.

I wish you all the best on your journeys and my thoughts will be with you. Never give up, there will be setbacks but we are stronger than we think.

Take care and thank you again

Darkangel x

........life is for living not just for surviving

19-09-06, 19:35

All the best on your journey too DarkAngel, Great to hear you have made a good recovery !

All the best and you take care!



19-09-06, 20:06
Hi mate,

Good luck with everything you do in the future and I hope it is anxiety free for you, pop back and see us every so often to let us know how you are doing.

take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

19-09-06, 20:07
Hi there :)
Good luck and take care!!!!
As Trac said stop back in from time to time and let us know how you are. We all love success stories!!!!

19-09-06, 20:38
Hi Darkangel,

sorry to hear your going but I can understand why. I'd like to wish you all the best for the future!

take care

Coni X

19-09-06, 21:02
So happy for you:D......bit sad for us tho'!!

...........But hopefully we'll all join you one day lol!![^]


'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'

polly daydream
19-09-06, 21:25
Good luck Darkangel and take care of yourself.

Polly x

19-09-06, 21:38
well done and good luck,
bye, bye, hope u have a great future, pop back and see us sometimes, let us know how you are getting on mate, i totally understand why you are going.
take care

we are all stronger people after having this

19-09-06, 21:50

Wishing you all the luck in the world with your continued recovery.

Please come back sometime ok?

Take care and hugs to you.


19-09-06, 21:55
All the very best hun :D

Warmest hugs

Piglet xxxxxxxxxxx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

19-09-06, 22:38
As a newbe I would like to wish you all the best for the future and thank you for making me feel for the first time like there is hope and a possible end to this. I am so pleased that I saw your post and my spirits have been lifted knowing that someone has got off this unending merry go round of panic etc.

Good luck and, with the very best of intentions, I hope you never feel you have to come back

Sharon x

20-09-06, 09:07
Good luck....fingers crossed for you x

Hay x

20-09-06, 09:21
Good luck for the future and take care.

Take Care


20-09-06, 11:28
we are going to miss you please pop in to tell us how you are.good luck luv suexx

20-09-06, 11:57
See you around Darkangel. You have come a long way on your journey.

I wish you the best of luck in everything that you do.

Pop in from time to time take care and be positive in all that you do.


20-09-06, 17:15
Good Luck Darkangel,

Postive vibes and best wishes sent to you.

Take Care,

Love Pip's X X X X


21-09-06, 16:54
just popped on to check any PMs and im overwhelmed by the good wishes from everyone - i will definetly pop back on from time to time to see how you guys are all doing. For now im going to concentrate on my counselling course - and whatever life throws my way I am sure I will deal with it just like everyone on here does too ....... take care and goodbye for now

Darkangel x

........life is for living not just for surviving

11-10-06, 05:01
Just noticed your post , better late than never

This gives me a great opportunity to thankyou for all the advice and those words of encouragement that you have given to me , when you become that counsellor i'm sure you will be one of the best....

You're a star

"Always move in figures of 8 to out smart your own fate"

Joanna crichton
11-10-06, 19:32
Heyyyy av also conquered it a think nd am so happy...nevr thought a wud do it...anxious all time cudnt go out to town ro anythin but slowly ive done it nd thank u 4 every1 on ere hu has elped xxxxxx

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi everyone

I just wanted to say that this site has helped me so much towards my recovery and I feel its the right time for me to leave the site.

I wont mention names, but I have made lots of friends and gained valuable information that I will remember forever.

As part of my recovery, I think its time for me to release the need for the site as living with anxiety 24/7 has been my life for 9 years and I now feel I can let it go but that means letting go the need to come on here.

I wish you all the best on your journeys and my thoughts will be with you. Never give up, there will be setbacks but we are stronger than we think.

Take care and thank you again

Darkangel x

........life is for living not just for surviving

<div align="right">Originally posted by darkangel - 19 September 2006 : 19:32:03</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
