View Full Version : I can't stop worrying about this

08-04-13, 18:59
I know this has been posted about recently , but I am hoping I will feel better for writing this down. I am really worried about North korea, I am trying to be logical and listen to the people who say that their nuclear capabilities are not that strong, but I read something today that really freaked me out, I won't go into detail on here about it though. I have not met anyone else who is particularly concerned , but I have always had a fear of anything like this and one worry leads to loads of others with me. I have felt quite panicky for a few days now, thanks for listening, I just wanted to get this out of my system.

08-04-13, 19:17
I worry about it too, I think it comes back to my fear of death and ultimately anything that could kill me.

I know what you are saying, people are saying they are not powerful enough to reach us with missiles and anything launched would be shot down, but it does make me wonder how can they be so sure about this?

I can't say anything to make you feel any better other than I can understand your concerns and I think a lot of people feel the same. :hugs:

08-04-13, 19:29
I worry about it too, I think it comes back to my fear of death and ultimately anything that could kill me.

I know what you are saying, people are saying they are not powerful enough to reach us with missiles and anything launched would be shot down, but it does make me wonder how can they be so sure about this?

I can't say anything to make you feel any better other than I can understand your concerns and I think a lot of people feel the same. :hugs:

Thank you for your response, you are right ultimately it is fear of death, and also fear of the unknown. I get angry that leaders of countries behave like this, what is their problem?? My husband is very logical and thinks I am worrying as usual unnecessarily but that does not make me feel much better. I remember feeling like this in the 1980's when I was very young and Russia was considered a nuclear threat, I wish that I had got less anxious with age but I havn't. :hugs:

08-04-13, 19:29
We have been a host family for many years and I can tell you that the South Korean students that we have had are not in the least bit worried .... and they only live over the border!!!! I am a terrible worrier but I have been reassured by this so I hope you will be too!

08-04-13, 19:35
We have been a host family for many years and I can tell you that the South Korean students that we have had are not in the least bit worried .... and they only live over the border!!!! I am a terrible worrier but I have been reassured by this so I hope you will be too!

Thanks for that, sometimes I wonder if the media are escalating things, If the students are unconcerned then I do feel more reassured.