View Full Version : A Newbie seeking advice!

19-09-06, 20:00
Hello There to you all.

I have now been suffering with the effects of anxiety and panic for around 2 years but have only just really realised what all of the sensations mean the last few months. After reviewing my actions and attitude to life and health in the past 2 years I now understand that I was suffering with heath Anxiety and those nasty old Panic episodes [:o)]

I suffer from all of the classics extreme tiredness, floaters in my vision, derealisation and depersonalisation and palpitations to name a few.

I have long searched for an answer or miracle cure, but I am now beginning to realise that the longer I continue to search for the answer, the longer I will remain in my anxious/ panicky state.

I have found that Back Remedies have helped with the worrying thoughts. But what I do need some assistance/ advice with is how to deal with and overcome the constant tiredness I experience as I think if I can either accept it or overcome it I will be a long way down the road to full recover.



19-09-06, 20:17

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends, below is a link to the first steps to recovery, I hope it is of some help :

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

Take care

Trac xxx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

polly daydream
19-09-06, 21:05
Hi Phil and welcome to the forum.

Best wishes,


19-09-06, 21:25

welcome and pm me anytime you wanna chat or any Q,s ok,


better to fight for something than to live for nothing

19-09-06, 21:43
Hi Phil

Welcome aboard.

With regard to the tiredness, do you do any exercise atall?


19-09-06, 23:10
Hi Phil,you will get great support here.;)

Ellen XX

20-09-06, 00:46
Hi Phil,

A big warm welcome to you. We are all here for each other so we don't feel alone.

Take Care


20-09-06, 08:38
hi phil

welcoem to the forum

you will make some good friends here

take care


20-09-06, 08:48
I do plenty of exercise as I have pcked up on the fact that if I sit and do nothing it is likely to make me feel worse.

I still however struggle with constant tiredness, I sit here now and my eyes are stinging and feeling groggy.

I hate going back to the doctors as I know it doesn't do me any good but I'm wondering if I need him to give me the once over again as the tiredness never really goes.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi Phil

Welcome aboard.

With regard to the tiredness, do you do any exercise atall?


<div align="right">Originally posted by nomorepanic - 19 September 2006 : 22:43:34</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

20-09-06, 10:42
Hi Phil
i too suffered dreadful tiredness back when my panic was very bad, i asked the doctor why this was and he said it was all to do with adrenalin, obviously when you panic you release tons of adrenalin and because there is no real threat as in you're not really having to run from anything bad or frightening then the adrenalin has no job to do, but because it's already been released into the blood stream to prepare for the fright it's there and just runs it's course, which in turn leaves you exhausted, hence contstant panic attacks and fear lead to adrenalin overload which in turn leaves you exhausted, so try not to worry even more about the tiredness (as long as there is no physical cause for it), it will start to ease as you start to control the fear more and more :)

Love Sharon x

20-09-06, 12:16

Thanks for your words of advice. I am only to aware that it is the adrenalin flowing through my body that make me feel so exhausted all the time and not to mention the constant stress about how to recover. What is difficult is to rid myself of those worrying thoughts that accompany it, as I get angry and frustrated with myself about the amount of time I have felt this bad for.

My doctor tells me there is nothing wrong with me apart from my extremes of anxiety and resulting panic, so I have to believe him and to be honest if I go back and ask for a full check up I just think all the good work I have done so far will be un done.


<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi Phil
i too suffered dreadful tiredness back when my panic was very bad, i asked the doctor why this was and he said it was all to do with adrenalin, obviously when you panic you release tons of adrenalin and because there is no real threat as in you're not really having to run from anything bad or frightening then the adrenalin has no job to do, but because it's already been released into the blood stream to prepare for the fright it's there and just runs it's course, which in turn leaves you exhausted, hence contstant panic attacks and fear lead to adrenalin overload which in turn leaves you exhausted, so try not to worry even more about the tiredness (as long as there is no physical cause for it), it will start to ease as you start to control the fear more and more :)

Love Sharon x

<div align="right">Originally posted by Incii - 20 September 2006 : 11:42:57</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

20-09-06, 13:33
A big welcome to the site to you. :D

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

20-09-06, 14:43
hi phil, sharon took the words from my mouth in her reply. in response to to worrying thoughts, which really do my head in! listen to them, they usually start with 'what if' these are negative thoughts, creating more adrenalin. try correcting them with positive ones, its does help a little to reduce the flow!
take care