View Full Version : OMG need advice please

08-04-13, 21:02

Some off you may have read about me having a metal taste in my mouth. I've had this taste for 2 months all the time.

Well Saturday I decided to Google it as I was getting peed off with it, I read to try baking soda and salt. So I used toothpaste with baking soda in anyway so just put some sale on.
Sunday still the same, carried on with it once morning and evening.

Well last night I woke middle of night with the most dry mouth and massive salty taste .
This morning salty as ever taste brushed my teeth NO SALT mouth wash.
Had a coffee, horrible couldn't drink it salt taste. Back to brush teeth mouthwash no change.

I've been drinking loads of water to get rid of salt taste, taste NO CHANGE.
I've brushed my tongue,brushed my teeth and mouthwash loads today and tonight nothing!!!! It's horrendous most salty taste ever!! I feel sick with the taste. Even sucking extra strong mints the salt comes through and they don't taste right!! Aghhhhh

Mentioned it to doc tonight, think she thinks am mad last time it was metal this time salt, just said it will go in a couple of days.

My anxiety is high, I've got headache getting stressed with it all.

I just don't know what to do.

08-04-13, 21:17
I just want you to know that during my serious anxiety phase last year and earlier this one, I complained of this all the time! I had just about every anxiety symptom going and this one was a nightmare. I am saying anxiety as I had loads of tests and went to the dentist a few times to try and get help. Mine used to switch from salty to metallic to peppery as well. After trying different mouth washes (none of which helped) I just sat it out and eventually it did disappear.
it was horrible as everything I ate tasted strange and I also felt I had some really weird illness that was causing this.
Wish I had some advice, but I found when my anxiety lessened , so did this symptom.
take care.

08-04-13, 21:29
Hi thanks for your reply.

Thing is my anxiety as been not to bad recently, odd day or so might be heightened but nothing like it was.

So I'm getting anxious now because it's changed and the salt taste is much worse than the metal!! I now it not serious it's just so dam horrible. It like having a mouth full of salt in your mouth permanently and my tongue hurts not sure if this is through brushing it to much.
Drinking hot water now read that might work(not holding my breath though)

God I wish I could get rid

08-04-13, 21:30
:hugs: Brenda,
I'm sorry I can't offer any advice, you've tried everything I could think of to get rid of the taste. I think our mouths are affected by our emotional health and psychi drugs, I get numbness, tingling more of a fizzing sensation in my tongue for months on end - it's like when you've drank a hot drink at it's burnt the tip of your tongue and it goes on for months and months, when I started Pregabalin I got numbness of my lips and parts of my mouth and when stopping SSRI's I get shooting nerve pain in my teeth which isn't there before or after. It's all very strange but must be something to do with the way we are wired.

I hope it fades tomorrow, it's our tongues that send the signals to our brains regarding sweet/salty/bitter etc and it's the side of our tongues that are supposed to pick up saltiness - I wonder if you put bonjela on your tongue if this taste would go? If you're desperate it may be worth a try. Otherwise I'm afraid you may just have to put it down to another strange anxiety symptom, your tongue must be on high alert picking up a saltiness taste and exacerbating it.
Take care
Love Sam

08-04-13, 21:36
Hi thanks for your reply.

Thing is my anxiety as been not to bad recently, odd day or so might be heightened but nothing like it was.

So I'm getting anxious now because it's changed and the salt taste is much worse than the metal!! I now it not serious it's just so dam horrible. It like having a mouth full of salt in your mouth permanently and my tongue hurts not sure if this is through brushing it to much.
Drinking hot water now read that might work(not holding my breath though)

God I wish I could get rid

I agree it is horrible and really irritating, My dentist did not have a clue what I was on about when I went to see him he just checked my mouth and hinted that it was a mental thing rather than anything physical.
The only thing that helped me was chewing gum, it definitely lessened the taste with me. Do you also have a very dry mouth? Mine started like this.

08-04-13, 22:08
Thanks for your reply Sam

Will try the bongela, anything!! Desperate it's like having a mouth full of salt.

Alma. Can't remember if it started with dry mouth, as I do drink a lot of water.

Just make sure I take a big glass of water to bed

Thanks guys:)

09-04-13, 01:14
I have taste problems. Sometimes it's really bad and my mouth hurts. I started using a baking soda toothpaste that fixed the problem overnight and I didn't have any problems for months, but then it happened again and I realised it wasn't the toothpaste. Have just had a bout of bad taste for the past few week, but it has subsided again. It's awful isn't it. I think some of us just have more sensitive mouths than others. I think maybe in your case, you may have burnt your mouth with the salt. Too much salt messes with my taste buds. I would try using a gentle natural toothpaste and lay off the mouthwash. You really could be overdoing it and upsetting the natural balance in your mouth.

---------- Post added at 12:14 ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 ----------

You could also try eating natural yoghurt as that can help restore natural good bacteria. Mouthwash is awful stuff - don't use it if you can help it. It's really bad for your teeth and strips the enamel and kills everything in your mouth - good and bad. And I would stop brushing your tongue for now too. Just let your mouth heal and restore itself. All of the harsh stuff you are using will just be irritating it further. Be careful not to burn your mouth on hot food or drink either - my mouth burns really easily and this affects my taste buds too.

11-04-13, 15:42
Are you brushing your teeth, tongue and using mouthwash a lot? It sounds as if you are keeping things toil clean and destroying the normal flora of the mouth. It certainly doesn't sound like any disease.