View Full Version : Why is it always worst case scenario ??

08-04-13, 22:12
I don't no why it always has to be worst case scenario?why is a head ache never just that a cold just a cold why is it always something worse I get do pissed of with it all I really do I'm sick of thinking horrible things all the time sorry needed to rant!!
Vicky x

08-04-13, 22:18
Rant away, Vicky. Always worst-case scenario with me too. I wish I was one of those people who didnt worry about health, who if they felt ill or thought there was something wrong could calmly seek medical treatment without worrying it would show they had a fatal illness.
I shudder to think at the hours upon hours I have wasted this year googling symptoms and worrying myself stupid. You are not alone xx

08-04-13, 22:23
I am just the same and sick of it too! Went to the GP today (and that takes some doing as I have complete white coat phobia, always fearing the worse) and he just gave me anti depressants which I know I won't take because I've seen all the contra-indications etc. Instead, I am sitting here worrying about my sinuses and piles (and imagining that both are more sinister than that) which he didn't have time to examine! Starting another course of cbt soon but I found last time that it was OK when I felt well, but the moment I had any symptom at all my mind went into overdrive and I couldn't even begin to think anything rationally. I'll join you in your rant! x