View Full Version : Anxious wait for ct scan for lung nodules

08-04-13, 22:18
For a you who has see my previous posts many thanks. A ct scan found 2lung nodules and Ihave to wait until May or June for a rescan to check for growth. Good old Google says mmultiple nodules are usually mets from a tumour elsewhere but I have symptoms of another cancer.

Im not coping too badly but I have moments of panic. This waiting is very hard especially with HA. I was having cognitive behaviour therapy but theyve put that on hold pending my results as it wont help as thefe are no answers at present.

Best wishes to my friends on here and to those who advised against a ct scan, you were right, I shouldnt have had it done as an anxious wait is the unfortunate outcome

08-04-13, 22:27
Poor you, Andrea. I can't imagine what you're going through. If they thought it was something very serious, would they wait that long for follow-ups? Xx

08-04-13, 22:29
Its standard procedure to watch and wait with these nodules. My gp thinks my .ets worry is unfounded and in my positive moments so do I. Imsure Id feel unwell if I had cancer elsewhere spread to my lungs

08-04-13, 22:29
sorry you are going through this. we are all here if you need to chat etc. best wishes:hugs:

08-04-13, 22:35
Hi there

Like previous posters, I strongly believe that you would have been admitted double quick for a biopsy if it was suspected the nodules were anything sinister.

I understand that smokers can have scar tissue that appears like nodules. I've only recently given up and often have the same HA worries and fears so I just wanted to let you know I totally understand how you feel.

Kind regards


08-04-13, 22:38
They are too small to biopsy. Only 4 and 5 ..mm

Thanks for the good wishes

08-04-13, 22:58
Hi Andrea

It seems they are quite common:

Lung nodules are quite common, and are found on 1 in 500 chest x-rays, and 1 in 100 CT scans of the chest. Approximately 150,000 lung nodules are detected in people in the United States each year. Roughly half of smokers over the age of 50 will have nodules on a CT scan of their chest.

I read that they can be caused by infections and inflammation as well.

Hopefully things will be ok with yours as well

09-04-13, 14:13
My next door neighbour has them. He had to have a ct scan of chest because he had lost his voice and had a paralysed vocal cord, rarely this can be due to a tumour in the chest hence the ct scan. He was negative for the tumour in chest but they did pick up nodules in his lungs. This was 3 years ago and he just has repeat scans once a year to check nothing has changed.

As with mri scans, the techonology picks up massive amount of benigh findings that are of no significance at all ( I have what looked like ms lesions in brain on mri but they were not) and cause alot of repeat scanning, this is the downside of these scans!

09-04-13, 21:25
Thanks for that. Good to hear of others having them. Do you know how many.? Is he a smoker?

Thanks for replying. It really helps

14-06-13, 16:55
Update....I have my repeat ct scan on Sunday. So scared these nodules will have grown. If God is smiling on me maybe they will be gone altogether.

Thanks for the support I have received here.

14-06-13, 21:02
Update....I have my repeat ct scan on Sunday. So scared these nodules will have grown. If God is smiling on me maybe they will be gone altogether.

Thanks for the support I have received here.

Andrea I am sure you are fine! Even if they say there is growth how do we know how accurate this equipment is? it could be matter of opinion too.

If it wasn't for your HA you would have NEVER had the scan!
And you would again be FINE!

14-06-13, 21:35
I know. Its all such a huge coincidence. Google does say if theyre found incidentally theyre more likely to be benign. I just wish Id never started all this. HA has so much to answer for. I hope youre right and Im fine. All the drs I spoke to seem to think likelihood of metastases is low.

Im not sure what you meant about not being reliable equipment and difference of opinion

26-06-13, 11:06
No change in nodules. Rescan in 9 months. Soooooo pleased.

Thank you all

26-06-13, 11:38
Good news andrea. You must be so relieved. x

26-06-13, 16:31
I am. Thanks

26-06-13, 17:39
i was told that if cancer is suspected then they have to see you within 14 days they would not leave it for a length of time blessings

26-06-13, 18:16
Thank you. I was sure they were mets. I guess hospital are pretty happy theyre not to leave me 9 months before scanning again. Have some pain in top of pelvis which I had 3 weeks ago and it went away. I was worried is was more lesions but I doubt pain from bone mets would go for that length of time. Bloody HA doesnt let up for long does it?

Day out at county show with kids tomorrow. Determined we will have a great time

26-06-13, 20:06
great news andrea...very happy for you

04-07-13, 10:06
Update...I have seen the chest consultant anx I have to have a colonoscopy as thry think nodules may be mets from bowel cancer due to the onset of bowel issues and a diagnosis of low iron in my blood. So terribly scared thry will find something inthere.

04-07-13, 11:00
Update...I have seen the chest consultant anx I have to have a colonoscopy as thry think nodules may be mets from bowel cancer due to the onset of bowel issues and a diagnosis of low iron in my blood. So terribly scared thry will find something inthere.

Hi Andrea how awful for you

Why did you have to go back to the chest consultant? I thought you were told to leave it 9 months.

It sounds really unlikely that your entire story has now boiled down to bowel cancer!!

04-07-13, 12:33
Why on earth would they scare you like that and say it could be bowel cancer!

04-07-13, 14:34
Because I have symptoms and multiple lung nodules are often mets from somewhere else

---------- Post added at 14:34 ---------- Previous post was at 14:32 ----------

Hi Darren. This was first appointment with chest specialist as my gp didnt refer me when she should have. Im truly living the nightmare!

04-07-13, 20:18
Yes but they should not infer you have cancer when they need to do more tests.

04-07-13, 20:23
I agree what a stupid thing to say, I hope you are ok Andrea, until you have had a colonoscopy your consultant should not say something like that, how can he tell without the proof of tests ? :hugs:xxx

04-07-13, 22:32
Not really ok no. Im a bit of a wreck to be honest. I feel so scared for my children. They are 13 and 8. Too young to lose their Mum. This is sheer hell

05-07-13, 11:03
Andrea this is awful and when you get the all clear you should deffo make a complaint, I told you about my step dad earlier this year when you very first posted , they told him he had got lung cancer after nodules were found in both lungs, we were devastated as a family and I couldn't function , he was booked in for another ct scan so they could see where to perform surgery and the nodules actually turned out to be infection and scar tissue , the consultant at the hospital said he should never of been told it was Cancer without a biopsy , when is your procedure ? X

05-07-13, 11:15
Much love to you. It must be really scary. Why did you have to go back to the chest guy?

05-07-13, 15:08
Havent got a date yet but I will keep you guys posted. Thanks so much.

05-07-13, 16:12
How horrible :( I know sometimes it's nice too know what drs are thinking but when you're already in a state they should keep it too themselves. What bowel issues do you experience? I have alot of bowel issues at times but after all the tests they can't find a reason and its anxiety and stress causing ibs, I hope it's the same outcome for you :) XX