View Full Version : Hello

09-04-13, 03:13
My name is Tina. I'm twenty years old and I've had a severe anxiety disorder since I was eleven years old. I wasn't diagnosed until I was sixteen. I've spent the majority of my life avoiding certain activities, like going to the movies, or going out to dinner or getting blood taken or dating... I'm on medication for my depression and anxiety, but to be honest, I don't think it is doing much... I came here because I feel as though I am the only one in my life who has such severe anxiety. I've been told numerous times that everyone gets anxious. But no one gets as anxious as I do over little situations. I don't have many panic attacks, but I do have anxious states where I become nauseous and light headed for days. I've fluctuated in my weight over the past few years going from 150lbs to a low of 119lb in two weeks. It sucks, but I know there are other people here like me.
I've recently discovered and self-diagnosed myself with ROCD. I saw that there is a forum for OCD and anxiety and am hoping to get some support for both of my problems.

Thank you in advanced (Sorry for being so depressing lol)

09-04-13, 16:16
Glad to have you with us Tina.

I've found a great deal of support and guidance since I've been here.

I'm sure you will too.

19-04-13, 12:31
Hello Tina,
We are on the same boat.

19-04-13, 14:05
Hi Tina :)

A big welcome to the site! You are definitely not alone, as Janvi says we're all in the same boat here in one way or another. I'm sure you'll find lots of support and advice, its a great little community!

Wishing you the very best

19-04-13, 17:14
Hi Tina


You are not being depressing you are saying what you feel. That is what this site is about, you are amongst friends all suffering differing degrees of anxiety. No one is going to judge you.

Anxiety takes no prisoners whether young or old. You started at 11 and I have just started at 58. Don't try and suppress your feelings tackle them head on. My anxieties have not gone but I feel more comfortable in my self knowing this site is here and I can speak my mind.

You are far from being alone. Interacting openly on this site will boost your confidence in talking to people and may even help you when it come to dating.

Have faith and belief in yourself.

Best wishes.
