View Full Version : Heart Racing Feelings After Waking Up

09-04-13, 12:48

I am just trying to determine if any of you have had this or not, or if it is a normal feeling. It doesnt happen all of the time, but when waking up, I'll do something like go to the bathroom, and I feel like im shaking and if I were to put my hand over my chest and feel my heart rate, I'd swear it was beating 200 bpm by feeling it, so I immediately went to my mom to feel pulse rate...Normal. (65-85) for me. I dont understand how I can feel like its beating so fast, but in reality its not really. Does anyone else have this issue or something similar?

09-04-13, 13:26
I wake up feeling like this most mornings.

13-04-13, 11:51
I have this! It's horrid x

13-04-13, 13:46
When my anxiety is bad I get this every day, and also when I wake up in the middle of the night.

13-04-13, 16:07
I shake every morning - I sit in bed trying to hold the paper or a book and my hand is shaking so badly I can't stop it. Feels as if my heart is racing too sometimes.

I'm not sure whether it is caused by my anxiety and/or exacerbated by anti-depressants, which all have a bad morning effect for me.

13-04-13, 19:04
I wake up with that horrible panicky anxious feeling every morning for the last few weeks x

17-04-13, 00:25
This is the worst. And sometimes I wake up feeling I can't breathe and so my heart starts racing because of that. I usually have from 42-55 bpm, depending on what time of the day it is.

Waking up with these heart race is the worst. Not a very good way to start the day.