View Full Version : One thing after another... [rant]

09-04-13, 17:27
So I posted a few days ago listing how my last few months have gone... in short:

Six weeks ago developed agonising wisdom tooth pain for three weeks, saw dentist, referred to have wisdom tooth removed and told I have terrible gums/gum disease.
Three weeks ago went to see the doctor about a tear I got in my vagina about 4 months ago that didn't seem to be healing - told I had genital warts. Am now undergoing cryotherapy treatment for them.
About 10 days ago my other half has a scab on his face, assume its from shaving and ignore it, then a few days later I develop spot on chin, quickly turns into enormous scab, then a second and third one emerge on my forehead, and now in the last 24 hours I've got three more on my lips (I should note my other half's just fell off and left nothing) I saw a doctor yesterday and have been told it is impetigo, my glands are up like balloons and it's developing at a frightening rate (started taking antibiotics yesterday).

I'd just like to say that this is really really sh*t. I'm having a really rough day, trying not to stress to try and convince my body to heal, but mostly I've spent the day crying and staring obsessively in the mirror at what has happened to my face. I just want to be healthy again.

Oh and because of face-sores I've had to call in sick to a job that I've only had for three weeks.

09-04-13, 18:29
Youre not having it easy are you honey. Things will pick up xx

09-04-13, 19:13
Thank you sparkle x I really hope so x