View Full Version : Wedding nerves

09-04-13, 18:13
Hi i have not been for About 9months now als i have been feeling good i am getingel marend in 4 weeks Time and panisch is starting to Seattle in dont get me wrong i want to get Married but need Somers tips to stay vlam plz help :weep:

---------- Post added at 18:13 ---------- Previous post was at 18:10 ----------

Sorry About spelling its just me i need Some tips to stay calm plz i want to get Married its just getting too close lol Xander still lost good x:hugs:

09-04-13, 20:51
I am sure everyone gets these feelings nearer to the wedding date. Do things to help you stay calm...maybe a spa day? I am sure you will have a wonderful day and the panic will be over for you to enjoy it. x

09-04-13, 21:13
Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! I think it is completely naturally to be feeling this way. What has helped you to stay calm in the past that you can use in the lead upto the wedding?

09-04-13, 21:16
I USed to be On cipralex but have ben off It for About a year and a half but dont want to go back On It just for wedding ?xx

---------- Post added at 21:16 ---------- Previous post was at 21:15 ----------

Thanks Anniexx

09-04-13, 22:47
It is normal to feel like that. I was the same. Try and focus on the positives, like how lovely it will be to wear your dress and that you're marrying your best friend. I was terrified of the wedding - I couldn't sleep at all for the whole week before, but the actual day itself was one the best days of my life. I loved it and you will love yours too. Just trust that your instincts will take over and you will float through the day. I also chewed on those rescue remedy pastilles and I felt a lot calmer. Also don't worry about stuff going wrong, we had a few hiccups and it just made the day more real and memorable. During the ceremony, just let the celebrandt take charge as they are professionals and know what they ate doing. I just focused on my husband throughout the whole thing and seeing that he was even more nervous than me made me feel better for some reason! It stopped me thinking about my own nerves I suppose. You will be just fine and afterwards you will wonder why you were even worried.

09-04-13, 23:02
Hey thanks for your reply It is very reassuring als this is both our second narrige hence the anxiety lol xx:hugs::hugs:

10-04-13, 17:36
I can really feel for you as when i got married in 2011 I was an absolute mess!! I knew my anxiety was going to be difficult in the run up and it was hard to keep it under control. I stepped up my CBT sessions and tried to rationalise all the things I was worried about.

The night before the wedding i slept for 2 hours and vomited all night!! So you can imagine how anxious I was! But you know what? When the morning actually arrived my anxiety reduced dramatically and a kind of a calm acceptance came over me. It's important to remember that although it is a special day - it is only 1 day out of many that you will experience and it will come and go just the same. Focus on how wonderful love is and you will be fine :bighug1:

10-04-13, 20:04
Have you thought about having a chat with your GP about this? I got myself worked up and anxious before my daughters wedding, I chatted to my GP and he gave me diazapan to take a couple of nights before to help me sleep and to take on the day. I did however make the decision not to drink alcohol on the day because I was taking the diazapan. This definitely helped me get through what turned out to be a fantastic day :D

14-04-13, 07:19
Don't worry it will be ok