View Full Version : has any one elsehad this happen

09-04-13, 18:22
hi all just sat shaking and am very scared dont no how im writting this cuz i feel so ill. ok here we go feeling bit dizzy today on and of went to a and e this morning with chest pain they did ecg it was ok so sent me home no blood test or xray. docwas quit rude i was very upset. so i just sit down and all of a sudden become very dizzy and feel like im gonna pass out really bad. goes after couple seconds then bk again eyes feel blurred numbness down left side and tingling in my tongue. some one plz help me...................

09-04-13, 19:38
Hi lisa
Its just anxiety. feels horrible and its very real but you will be fine. Make sure you have eaten and drank and try and distract yourself. Its all just classic anxiety. sorry doc was rude.

09-04-13, 19:49
hi bab yh doc was very rude he just didnt care..........im still sat having dizzy spells that r that bad i thnk im going to pass out. i feel short of breath have uever had anythng like this

09-04-13, 20:13
I can pretty much promise you that you are not going to pass out. The dizzy feelings are what I get when I panic too but its just panic.Feeling dizzy, numb, tingling its all anxiety. Say to yourself I havent passed out yet. If i havent passed out in 10 mins it isnt going to happen