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09-04-13, 20:45
Hey guys

Quick up date ... I am on day 7 of my almost none drinking new life ! I sloped up once and drank a bottle of wine and 2 shots yes I regret it but I'm actually feeling good today my anxiety levels are ok and manageable and I actually had a nice day I felt good for the first time in god nows how long ! YAY !

So it's a night in tonight needless to say I am bored shitless but watching a documentary about Peter Andre is keeping me occupied ! :)

I'm surprised I don't want to drink as ATM my grandad is in hospital with Parkinson's and heart failure And my relationship is a mess due to the fact when I don't drink me and my partner have eff All in common ! But hey determination is key ! I don't want to live life as a nun, and say il never ever drink Again because reality is I will have a drink but not until I make peace with Alcohol and I can drink sensibly which is a long way off ! The good thing that has came out of this is I feel good after 7 days well 6 considering my 1 hiccup!

Anyway for all you people on here who don't speak up about self medicating with alcohol ... Speak up now and battle your demons life's to short to give most of it away to a bottle of liquor !

I feel like the hard parts over And iv proved a lot to my self

Take care you beautiful people ... !

Miss positivity :) xxxx

09-04-13, 21:00
Ahh well done you :)

I was a bit of a wino before my children, couldn't cope with hangovers anymore, but when I do have a few, anxiety is much worse the following day...

Keep it up xx

10-04-13, 01:42
Congratulations!!! You can definitely do this. Be aware of what mood, thoughts, events tend to happen when you want to drink so that you can do something else instead to distract yourself. I'm glad you are doing well :):)

10-04-13, 01:49
Well done, glad to hear you're back on the wagon. Keep reminding yourself that when you most feel like a drink are the times when you should stay away from it. Needing/wanting a drink is a signal to you that you are trying to avoid something else. When you feel like that, try and do something positive instead. Maybe when you think about your grandad and you feel anxious, you could spend some time making him a get well card or writing him a letter. It's much better to confront the things that are upsetting you than to push them away.

I'm so pleased to hear you are feeling better.