View Full Version : NHS Direct scared me

20-09-06, 10:32
Hi all

I posted recently about symptoms I've been getting in my ears jaw and neck but nobody replied:(
Anyway I rang NHS direct and after listening to me droning on, she sounded quite worried and said it needed investigating.Worse still, she said she doubted it was because my ears needed syringing (which is what I was reassuring myself with).

The symptoms are tingling in my ears, extending down my jaw, insides of my cheeks, down my neck, alternating both sides. Its pretty uncomfortable, but not quite painful.

I really don't want to serach for what it 'could be'.

Now Im in raging panic mode.


20-09-06, 10:41

NHS direct are as bad as Google sometimes.
If you are worried, go to your Gp and they will soon put your mind at rest.
Dont be frightened, but best to get it checked, so that you can prevent getting so wound up with what if's!

Good luck x

Hay x

20-09-06, 10:52
I agree with Hayles NHS do seem to scare us more than google, When I have phoned I have been told to go to A & E which is usually at night and quite a long trek from my home. I don’t think most of these nurses who answer the phone on NHS understand much about anxiety disorders, not saying they are not good and well trained, but to clear there self they have to do something. And usually if you do go to A & E wait for hours and hours then get told see your GP you have anxiety. What you are getting in your ears and face I think could quite possibly be anxiety related, I have suffered anxiety, panic and phobias on and of for so many years and the amount of different symptoms I have had is unbelievable. Hope you feel better soon, Vernon

20-09-06, 10:53
Carley ive had this! in fact i called the nhs over it!! in the same week i was phoning them about twice a day!
I have a laptop and write alot on paper etc, and my head is always down, it was just tension. The nhs are useless, everytime i call them i have to tell them i have anxiety but even the nhs dont understand that! they just lolk at the common symptoms you get during an attack, not tension related etc.
If you really are worried, see your gp. If it wss that bad and the nhs thought it was REALLY BAD, they would have called an ambulance, but they didnt they left it in your hands.

Becci x

20-09-06, 10:55
Hi Carly

Sorry to hear how you are feeling. I have delt with NHS direct a few times with problems with by kids. They are there to help, but most of the time they nearly always end up saying, go get it checked out. Remember they are only there to advice you, they cannot tell you wants wrong over the phone. The lady you spoke to must have seen that your were soooo worried thats why she said it needed investigating.

I know its dame hard, but try not to worry, Please go and see your GP because peace of mind goes along way.

Please let us know how you get on.



20-09-06, 11:00
Thanks guys,

The logical part of me is saying as I've had this weeks, the wait til Friday for a GP appt. isn't gonna kill me.

But then I think this NHS Direct woman mentioned loads of the other symptoms I have, like chest pains, and joint pains, and I'm thinking GOD WHAT THE HELL IS IT?

As much as I like the tension idea, I don't think it would have lasted that long and got worse.

20-09-06, 11:06
carly, you'd be amazed what tension can do! the pins and needles and numbness in my face and jaw was unbelievable, thought id been hit in the face with a frying pan. was awful. i cried, but couldnt feel the tears!

the nhs always asks bout achey joints and pains etc,just as routine.

Becci x

20-09-06, 11:09
oh.... bout the tinglint in the ears, if your muscles are tense they will tense other muscles that connect to your ears. i couldnt figure out for the life of me why i felt like my ears were heavy! heavy ears lol!!! was really really weird!! but it went after i got a new symptom, my body is just so sentazized and my mind likes to take advantage of that.

20-09-06, 11:12
Thanks Becci

I just feel all over the place at the moment. Got myself in a right old tizz.
Now I can't remember what the hell I'm supposed to be doing so I'm doing nothing.Except dwelling.

Sorry to be a misery.

20-09-06, 11:17

Have you looked up TMJ atall?


20-09-06, 11:18
Hi Carly,

I think you should listen to your logical side! Saying that I know how hard it is to do so when you are getting more and more anxious about something. The lady you spoke with from NHS Direct should not have mentioned any other symptoms really other than the ones you presented with, this I beleive has just fuelled your anxiety even more! Just sit back and think, you would not even be having any other symptoms ( other than the ears/jaw/neck ) if it wasnt for her to have put them into your head. I really think the only person that can reassure you is your own GP, once he/she has examined the problem areas and I really don't think you have anything to worry about by what you have said. I had something very similar a while back ( 3 times it has happened to date) and each time I had to go and get my ears syringed, so maybe you just have a blockage that is creating some pressure in your ear? Oh, and I do beleive tension can cause symptoms that can go on for a very long time, us anxiety sufferers are tense most of every day - thats a long time and can play havoc with our bodies!. Hope you are feeling a little better and let us know what your GP says.


20-09-06, 11:19
No Nicola

Although I did consider this at first cos I get headaches too. But I kind of let it go cos I started getting the tingling inside my cheeks and rushes of saliva so I figured this didn't fit with TMJ.

Or am I wrong?

20-09-06, 11:23
Hi Carly.

I don't know anything about TMJ, but my daugher suffered anxiety and one of her main symptoms was a rush of saliva, this symptoms did go in time.



20-09-06, 11:23
Thanks Angie

20-09-06, 11:30
Thanks Jill

Do you know if she got a tingling first?

20-09-06, 11:30
i have tmj, my jaw clicks and it used to lock in mornings, but apparently you dont have to neccaserily get the clicking or locking.

Rush of slavia, do you men liek the kind you get before your sick, {sorry} ive had that, very unpleasant

Becci x

20-09-06, 11:34
No its weird. Get this unbearable tingling inside my cheek one side then the rush. Its a bit like if you purposely pop your ears sometimes that happens. But thats not what I'm doing!

20-09-06, 11:35
have you looked through the tingling posts, see if theres anything like it there?

20-09-06, 11:36
yeah i did try before but I'll have another look.

Thanks Becci

20-09-06, 11:42
no worries.

I know its easy to get so wound up about something. my worries always last weeks sometimes months and it gets really worrying because you think it has to be serious.

Your Gp will beable to help though. he may send you to an ENT dr, to check your ears etc. But either way, you'll come out of it at the other end! we always do! think the worse, imagine it even more worse then think "wasnt THAT bad really"


20-09-06, 11:45
I know you're right really it's just hard to keep things in perspective you know?

Thankyou for your kind replies, I'll let you know how I get on.


20-09-06, 11:53
sorry no one responded to your earlier posting, I did not see it I am afraid.
there are a few possible reasons, ussually simple, but none of us here are trained in medicine so yes a visit to the GP is the best bet.
I get this too, although mostly an ache rather than just the tingling, its ussually worse after a bad day at work (typing at the computer, if tense my posture is very bad, so that agravates it).
Regretably my cause of this is probably tension (and ptsd), as it only eases when the tension does, and it has gone on for many months now.
Hope you do get over this, but dont be afraid to speak to the gp.
Take care

20-09-06, 12:16
Go see your dr, don't ring NHS I never do as they make you worry as much as google, don't google either!!!

It sounds like anxiety to me but see your GP, you will feel loads better for going.

20-09-06, 12:43
Thankyou everyone who has replied.

I feel a bit better already actually, my electric ran out so I had to whizz down town, which has distracted me a bit!
I'm gonna attempt some housework now aarrghh!

20-09-06, 15:17
Hi Calry

**Do you know if she got a tingling first?**

Sorry, I can't answer that, she was very young at the time. I know that this symtpom came and went, it never stayed with her all the time, but over time it went all together.