View Full Version : Taxi's

09-04-13, 23:07
I used to be quite nervous about getting a Taxi but now i quite like it. The taxi drivers are always friendly to me and engage in conversation.

But a weird question i never no whether to get in the back of the car or the front ! lol!

For some reason i don't feel anxious getting a taxi now but i work in a shop and feel nervous around customers.....wheres the sense with that?

09-04-13, 23:31
I never know whether to get in the back or the front either. I prefer black cabs as you don't have to decide!

09-04-13, 23:32
Hi Natt,

I am very similar to this as well, I much prefer to grab a taxi than use the bus if I can. I find it easy to have a chat with the drivers but feel uncomfortable in practically all other social arenas. You're right where's the sense in that!? Haha I used to panic about whether to get in the front or the back. I tend to go in the back of the taxi, you can still have a nice chat with the driver but I personally feel more comfortable with alittle space between us!

Hope you are well

Hannah :-)

10-04-13, 01:44
Funny, I'm the same with taxis! They're very non-threatening aren't they. I usually get in the back.

10-04-13, 08:47
I always get in the back and when my hubby is with me we both get in the back
Take care