View Full Version : Two steps forward, one step back

09-04-13, 23:25
Well I thought I'd share today's experiences.

I've had anticipatory anxiety all day about travelling with my parents to a social event this evening. I usually ask my dad to avoid specific roads as it makes me feel panicky, but this time he persuaded me not to. However, I'm annoyed with myself now, but before we left I did take along some 'safety' objects - but I thought better this, or I might not be able to go at all. As we neared the road I feared, I had sweating & tingling in my hands, heart & mind racing, clenched stomach, etc. So I did what I had learnt from CBT4PANIC (http://ct-online-info.com/) and I got through it. As the chap said, staying in the situation actually helps to bring your anxiety down. I was really pleased with myself.

I attended the event - I wasn't too worried about this, but knew I had to face someone who knew a little of my recent 'crises'. I had geared myself up to briefly talking and avoiding the subject, when another chap who I admire and respect came up and asked how I was, am I on the mend?, said he couldn't believe it when he heard what I was going through. I could feel myself starting to cry and had to really fight to stop myself from running off sobbing.

I then had to travel back the same way we came, so had to be very mindful and concentrate on what I'd learnt. And guess what, I did it again!

With a combination of medication and exposure therapy, I can see this will improve. It felt a bit like two steps forward one step back. I just hope I can get to grips with my other major anxieties in the same way.

Thanks for reading! Good night all x

09-04-13, 23:57
Hey snoodlester :)

You've done really well today and should be very proud! Its great that you are viewing things so positively. It may have been two steps forward and one step back but that still makes you one step ahead so well done!

Very pleased for you!

Hannah :)

10-04-13, 01:41
Great work! You should be really really proud of yourself. I play games on my phone when I come to a bit of road that makes me anxious - it helps to take my mind off it. The worst for me is being stuck in traffic, but again, my phone games help me to calm down.

10-04-13, 09:21
I think you have done great as you was able to overcome more than one obstacle on your own, you should be soo proud of yourself well done, just think if u can do that now u can do it again, well done :)