View Full Version : suspected UTI? but not sure?

09-04-13, 23:52
Hi, as the title thread states I think I have this at the moment. I have had a few before , but this one feels more severe. They usually occur shortly after ( a day or so) I have sex with my partner( I've googled and seen this is common, also my age 42 can also make uti`s more common) Anyway I wasn't sure if it was ovolation pains at first( Im in the middle of my cycle) getting g lower left pelvic pain but it is now radiating to my lower left back and right across it. I'm also feeling pressure down below ( like a feeling my bladers full, but not weeing as much as I thought I would) been taking co codomol all day the pain eases but returns after pain killers wears off. I'm begining to feel anxious now and thinking all sorts. I m gonna try and get an appointment at docs tomorrow,but not holding my breath. If not will have to go to walk in center. Just feel rubbish and this ache/pain seems to be getting worse. Anyone out there ease my worries, not gonna get much sleep tonight otherwise ! Thanks.xx

10-04-13, 01:37
Do go and see the doctor because you often need antibiotics to clear it up. It does sound like a UTI to me. Don't worry about it, but get to the dr as soon as you can. The antibiotics usually kick in quickly so it won't take long before you're feeling okay again.

10-04-13, 03:16
Because the adrenal system and the bladder/kidney area are all linked. Sometimes a UTI can feel like anxiety and anxiety can feel like a UTI. All part of the fun of the wackiness :) Also if you're sick you tend to be more anxious or depressed because your immune system eats up your seratonin. I'm a mental health worker who also suffers from anxiety and panic and I get mystery UTI things all the time. Lots of fluids, cranberry juice etc, see the doc tomorrow and get some antibioitcs. You'll be feeling 100% better in 48 hours I promise. x

10-04-13, 16:33
Hi thanks for you're replies. I went to my docs this'd morning ( drop in and wait service) she checked my urine, and she said it was fine no traces of anything that you would find in as uti? To make sure I have to redo a sample tomorrow and they are gonna send it off to hospital to be tested. Now I'm thinking maybe it was ovulation pains, or maybe its all in my head ( this is real pain) . The craziness of it all as you say Vivian is horrible, did I manifest all this up myself and keep it going g by worrying ???? Is it just anxiety, omg when will this nightmare ever end! Anyway gonna see if anything shows up in thee hospital test, if not then I've deffinately lost the plot!!!