View Full Version : Headaches,bruising & I saw my dr today

20-09-06, 11:47
Saw my dr today, had to go for an update after seeing the psycologist last week. That went great and the dr was very happy that I decided the counselling was the treatment I need not medication as he says I do not seem to suit anti depressants.

Then I went onto say I was still getting sinus pain every day, he diagnosed me with chronic sinusitis 2 months ago, im using a steroid & anti histamine sprays, I was on antibiotics 2 weeks ago and today he put me back on them again. I am only on 250mg 3x a day of amoxicillin, I hope it shifts it. He didn't examine me just prescribed them again. I told him I was having headaches daily, all down back of my head and forehead and all he said was 'lots of things can cause headaches' that was it.

So ive come away now wondering why im having headaches??? he told me 2 months ago if the steroid spray didn't help id be refered to an ENT specialist and would have a scan to check my sinuses were ok. Do you think he is just giving anti bs one more try? he didn't say to go back but im going back in 2 weeks anyway to see the other GP who prescribed me the iron and he wants me back to sort out another blood test so I could mention it then about the sinuses but the reason i saw the other GP about my sinuses in the first place was because my regular GP didn't take me seriously, lol! Confusing hey[^]

I am also now worrying about the risk of meningitis, I spend everyday when im having sinus pain worrying it will turn to meningitis today, it takes over every day of my life and I find it hard to look after 3 kids when im that worried. I know they have told me meningitis and brain absesses are very rare complications from chronic sinusitis but I worry every day. I have had this for months & months now its really worrying me. I doubt they will ever refer me now and I will be in pain and worry forever about this.[}:)]

I came home and realised id forgotten to mention my bruising, I have about 7 10p-50p size bruises up each thigh, they are on the outside of each leg but still there are quite a few, mainly in a cluster. My husband says its obvious why, im always running into things with having 3 children. I had a full blood count done only 2 weeks ago and was told all was fine other than low iron stores which they are treating me for. Stupid me weighed myself and ive lost 2lbs so im in a tizz thinking leaukemia :(

Sorry just had to get this all off my chest. Its my daughters 1st birthday tomorrow and her party saturday, I just know im going to be worrying instead of enjoying her special day. Life can be unfair at times.[}:)]

20-09-06, 12:13
oh i do feel for you, i know how hard it is when you have children and all thats on your mind is worry...i really think you should go back to the doctors see another g.p and ask for a referral to an ENT specialist-you dont and cant go on like this-i have had so many referrals-just for the peace of mind.... you will get a scan of your sinuses, and expert advice from the ENT man....i think gps just "fob us off" at times ..they are not specialsists-demand a referral-you have had quite a long history of trouble with your sinuses now...

i wouldnt worry about your bruises..i have and get loads its from running around with the kids-i have a massive one on my hip from where i banged into the worktop...we knock ourselves and forget we have done it....you have had a blood test too- please be reassured

i hope you have a lovely party for your daughter on saturday- something i cant do for my children-i cant face all the people
take carex

20-09-06, 12:18
Thanks hun,

I don't want to race back, he has given me anti bs. Maybe I should finish them first then go back next week if im still not happy? go back to the same Dr I mean. I think he will then have no other option but to refer me. I think that he thinks stress is causing it mainly so thats why he won't refer me but 2 mths ago he said if no better he would refer me but now is saying its not likely I will need it.

I am sat here worrying now that I should go back today or will it not hurt to wait? I will have to wait for a referal anyway.

20-09-06, 13:04
well you probably should wait till you have completed the antibiotics-then if you are still the same you can go back and say the antibiotics dont seem to have worked again and you would like a referral- or you could give it a week that way the antibiotics should have started working -if you still have sinus pain then go back and explain you are not happy and would like to see a specialist.....
I often think with anxiety we intensify any pain or niggle we have anyway...worrying about something always makes it worse-everyday i get up i worry i will have a heart attack(im 26 and got 2 small children)....this is my fear, but the more i think about my heart the more it races and i get ectopics....its a vicious circle really
i hope you feel better soon
take carex

20-09-06, 13:26
A guy at work told me he had constat sinus problems and medication never worked. He then went to see another doctor and he said it was muscular and referred him to see a physiotherapist.

It was a tight muscle in his neck causing it and he said the physio cured it almost straight away.

You may consider that or a good massage.


20-09-06, 13:53
Hi Jem,just reading Nicolas reply to you and I remember being sent for physio.I kept getting headaches and the physio said it was stress,when were stressed we are tense.All the muscles tense up in the back of the neck right up the back of your head.She gave me excersises to do.It did help at the time.
I think you are pretty anxious at the mo and thats where all the symptoms are from.Iv been down for a few days,And Iv had headaches,tummy ache,back ache,pains in my legs in my right side,and probably more.You have probably lost the 2Ib through worry.
Life is unfair at times.Try and enjoy your daughters birthday,you will probably be so busy you wont have time to worry.;)
Take care

Ellen XX

20-09-06, 14:28
Aww thank you all. I shall make sure I enjoy the rest of my week with my family and next week if no better go back to the same GP and say im not happy with it.

I was told by my regular GP my bloods were fine other than low iron stores but im still really worried about these bruises I have:-( if they are just up my thighs on outside of my legs why am I worrying? its obvious they are from knocks, they just look really bad.

20-09-06, 20:49

I am going to mail you a pic of my bruises that I acquired simply from decorating. You will love them!


20-09-06, 20:52
Jem - tried to mail you with the email address on here but it didn't work. Pm me your email address.
