View Full Version : day 9 coming off anxiety meds

10-04-13, 08:27
Well it's been almost nine days since my last zyprexa tablet and it's still absolute hell. Hardly any sleep, I feel sick and gag every time I eat, I'm suffering severe anxiety and I feel like I'm losing my mind. Temazepam hasn't helped with the insomnia but I think that is mainly because I was fighting it as I didn't like the feeling it was giving me as it was trying to put me to sleep, that or zyprexa has stuffed my sleep mechanism so bad that it just wasn't working. Either way it's absolute hell. I just want to feel normal again, to be able to sleep normally and eat normally. If I don't start to feel better soon my GP is going to call the psychiatrist and insist I go back on the zyprexa which I really don't want to do as it would put me back at square one. At the moment it's looking like it's either Zyprexa or insanity and never sleeping again.

10-04-13, 09:18
Hang in there hun - it's awful, I know, but you will get there. Are you trying other, natural things to help you relax? Chamomile tea is something people have been recommending a lot - I just bought some today and it does help. I find lavendar oil on my pillow helps too. You could also try listening some relaxing sounds or music - heaps you can download, or apps you can get on your phone. Don't give up, you can do this.

10-04-13, 09:37
Hi there is a great site called meditation oasis with free relaxation downloads. Don't be so hard on yourself. Also there is Bach rescue remedy it comes in a droplet bottle/ pastilles and chewing gum.:hugs:

10-04-13, 09:54
Hi can i ask why you've come off the olanzapine? I take 5mg of it a day for my panic disorder and find it really helps, do you take any other anti anxiety meds like an AD to help you? X x

10-04-13, 10:05
Hi can i ask why you've come off the olanzapine? I take 5mg of it a day for my panic disorder and find it really helps, do you take any other anti anxiety meds like an AD to help you? X x

My blood sugar went up and there was some sugar in my urine so my psychiatrist thought I should come off of it. I've been on it a year and a half along with fluvoxamine which is an AD. It's great for helping with sleep I never slept so well as I did on olanzapine but I'm paying for it now with the insomnia :( I just hope it doesn't last too long.

10-04-13, 10:15
It doesn't help me sleep, i take 2.5mg in the morning and 2.5mg at night, i know its not a long term solution and if Im honest Im petrified of coming off it x x

10-04-13, 12:33
I take 50mg of Seroquel and it is amazing for helping you sleep. it's a drug that is used mainly for bipolar and schizophrenia, but in low doses it works very effectively as a sleeping aid. I started on 25mg when I was going through my massive health anxiety last year but the flow on effects were vastly improved sleep, although I do sleep well when I am stressed as I think it has something to do with my body wanting to shut down.
Maybe you could ask about it?

10-04-13, 13:25
Seroquel is the same family as zyprexa though it doesn't work on as many neurotransmitters, they're both antipsychotics but zyprexa shuts down four or five of them, so your brain goes to pot when you come off of it and its suddenly flooded with the transmitters. Seroquel shuts down less but is also sedating like zyprexa. I don't really want to take another similar drug unless it's my only option as I'll have similar problems coming off of that. I'm up to day 9, I should be about a third of the way through the worst withdrawal though the insomnia can last a lot longer unfortunately and it's that that may make me give in. I'm so tired but just can't sleep even with temazepam, I'm scared I'm never going to sleep again :(