View Full Version : Me Again

20-09-06, 12:07
My Mum made a flying visit from her home in Spain, just a long weekend to attend my cousin's 40th birthday party. She didn't make the effort to see me when I turned 40. I didn't have a party but it would have been nice for all the immediate family to go out for a meal. I feel totally rejected by her all over again. According to her, since I left home and got married, I've got my husband and don't need her anymore. But she doesn't seem to accept that I still do need my Mum and find it diificult that she's so far away. It's like she's turned away from parental responsibilities which I always thought would carry on until one of us leaves this earth. Am I wrong? I can't understand the fact that she doesn't want to know or help if I have a problem. She just says don't be silly and changes the subject. Some times I feel so alone and rejected.:(:(:(

20-09-06, 14:03
Hi Im sorry your feeling so down,Im on a down day today.Have you tried to explain how your feeling to your mum,maybe writing a letter and explaining how you feel would be easier for you.Im lucky at the moment as I still live at home with my parents,and Im 39!!!!!!!.But I wish I had my own space.My brother has caused alot of trouble over the last 20 years,so all attention has been all around him.I have always taken a back seat.
I can understand how you must be hurting.At the end of the day you may be married,but you still need your mum at times.Its hard for parents to undarstand sometimesbut they can support you.Just remember you are not alone here.Please dont feel rejected you have your hubby to.;)

Ellen XX

20-09-06, 15:46
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi Im sorry your feeling so down,Im on a down day today.Have you tried to explain how your feeling to your mum,maybe writing a letter and explaining how you feel would be easier for you.Im lucky at the moment as I still live at home with my parents,and Im 39!!!!!!!.But I wish I had my own space.My brother has caused alot of trouble over the last 20 years,so all attention has been all around him.I have always taken a back seat.
I can understand how you must be hurting.At the end of the day you may be married,but you still need your mum at times.Its hard for parents to undarstand sometimesbut they can support you.Just remember you are not alone here.Please dont feel rejected you have your hubby to.;)

Ellen XX

<div align="right">Originally posted by ELLEN - 20 September 2006 : 15:03:56</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">