View Full Version : It's just never ending :(

10-04-13, 09:36
I am going out of my mind at the moment, as well as worrying about Brain Tumour, Melanoma, and Sinus Tumours my mum happened to mention in passing yesterday that she has just been for her mammogram (which was thankfully clear) but she mentioned that she has really dense breasts.

Now she wasn't in the slightest bit concerned about it but I know that this increases the risk of BC and chances are if your mum has dense breasts you will too. So now I'm worrying about BC as well as all the other things.

My mum is 66 and I thought by that age the density was supposed to reduce, she's not at all worried but I've read that mammograms aren't that accurate in people with dense breasts so now I'm worried about that as well.

I'm going to ring my GP I'm taking Fluoxetine but it's not even touching my HA at the minute and I'm spending evey waking second worrying, it's like my brain is looking for things to worry about!

10-04-13, 09:52
I also have dense breasts but what they do is check previous mammograms with the current one and, if nothing has changed, that is okay. Have never been told that dense breasts mean you are more likely to get breast cancer.

10-04-13, 09:56
Oh gosh, that's just how I feel right now. I'm sorry you're suffering but actually it does help to know you're not alone in stressing about such things. I reduced my dose of mirtazapine from 30 to 15mg several weeks ago because I felt it was making the anxiety worse, and the psychiatrist agreed that the lower dose could be better for anxiety rather than depression.

Now today I feel tearful as well as anxious, bad back stopping me sleeping properly and a fixation on my left breast, which is actually perfectly okay according to my doc and the mark I was worried about has almost disappeared - but still I worry! As soon as one thing is okay I find something else - just like you!

I hope your doctor can help you. Best of luck.

10-04-13, 15:48
Thank you Frankie and Coppernob it does help to speak to people who understand.

That's quite interesting what you said Frankie as my mum got called back on her first mammogram and had to undergo an ultrasound also which was fine and they said to her at the time that they just needed to check some areas and from then on providing there was no change she wouldn't be called back again and thankfully she hasn't, so maybe that was just to do with breast density.

I'm sorry to hear you are struggling too Coppernob, HA is awful and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I tried GP but he's not available until next Tues pm for a call back so I then asked if I could see a lady GP and hey have no available appts until next week.

So going to have to wait until then :(

I hope you feel better soon x

10-04-13, 16:26
It's awful honey I know how u feel.. I don't give myself a minutes peace and I'm tired of worrying

10-04-13, 19:46
Thats exactly it Sparkle it's never ending.

I keep thinking how up until a couple of months ago I had worried non stop about cervical cancer. I'd been back and forth to the doctors, had ultrasounds, smears and a biopsy which thankfully were all clear. At the time my husband said to me "you do realise that when you get the all clear on this you'll find something else to worry about". I was so convinced I wouldn't do it and hear I am again proving him right!

The worst of it is that I know I'm doing it but it's like I have no control over it. I'd love to be one of those people who didn't take any notice of symptoms and never googled or worried about things, how lovely would that be!

Hope you are feeling better soon Sparkle, hugs xx