View Full Version : Neck, shoulder and back aches

Mr m anxious
10-04-13, 16:32
Hi everyone, I'm a newby. I've been reading threads for a few days now looking for people with similar problems. I have had neck shoulder and chest aches for about two to three months now with sensative skin, tingles on chest and arms and sometimes legs, obviously I've been worried about something neuro wrong with me. What I couldn't understand that I was perfectly fine just before Christmas until one morning I was drinking coffee and had a dizzy spell that sent me into having palpitations. Since this happened I first worried about having oesophageal cancer because I was having acid indigestion, I was worried sick about having a endoscopy test for the four weeks before having it, fortunately it was clear apart from having a swollen dudonium (probably spelt wrong) which apparently isn't uncommon and was probably caused by having reflux. Anyway thought that was the end of it but NO! I then worried about my heart and lungs until chest x ray was clear and did the treadmill and heart scan which was also clear. Still getting the same ache and tingles though but my consultant said I'm healthy and just developed hyper sensitivity (taking amitriptyline). I have been worried about neuro problems since I stupidly read google but I have found something interesting for people who have worried like I have with similar symptoms. BAD POSTURE yes, I have been crouched over worried for months as if I've been protecting my chest or something, for once I found something on google positive. If you are crouched over for long periods this will cause aches as you all know to neck, shoulders also shortening your pectoral muscles in your chest, so when you straighten your shoulders this causes your chest muscles to pull causing the burning and tingling feeling not only in your chest but arms and fingers also! This could explain a lot to many people. Also tight neck muscles makes you feel dizzy! Sorry for the long post but needed to get this of my chest literally, pardon the pun.

10-04-13, 17:19

Absolutely what I am going through. I have finally come to accept that my heart is ok after months of anxiety about it. All my aches/pain/discomfort are in my upper body, particularly my left side. I spend a lot of time now watching my posture. It has helped a bit, but I suppose it will take more than a couple of weeks after months of tensing myself in anticipation of further panic attacks.

The pain that bothers me the most is in my left armpit. It seems to be there 24/7, but I have read that a lot of nerves and blood vessels pass through the armpit area. I agree with your hypothesis 100%, I just wish it would go.


Mr m anxious
10-04-13, 17:28
Thanks for reply Charlie
Yeah apparently nerves from head to toe are all linked, I worry about prickly feeling I get in my chest arms and legs, seems like prickly heat although I'm not hot, I think my nerv senses are in overdrive through being constantly anxious for three and a half months. It's funny tha when I'm relaxed particularly at night my bodily aches and prickly sensation subsides until I start moving and getting nervous again.