View Full Version : Home alone and not doing so well

10-04-13, 19:52
My boyfriend is staying with his parents and I have another week of being in the house by myself. I've been constantly on edge, anxious and feeling 'creeped out'. I've been having split second showers because I get scared, its sooo stupid and frustrating! I can't believe this is getting to me - I used to LOVE having the house to myself. At least the dog is happy because he's getting to sleep in the bed with me every night :)

I'm very disappointed with myself over this. I'm a 31 year old woman and this is ridiculous. x

10-04-13, 21:30
Hi Lissa

I'm not great at being home alone at night, particularly overnight. The fact that you're doing it and coping is brilliant. Yes, you're anxious, but you're still doing it :-) You say you have another week to go? How long have you done?

Try to make it enjoyable - watch things you don't watch when he's around, spread outnon the sofa, sing around the house, etc etc. Also could you break the time up by having friends over one evening?

When he's back, you'll feel amazing that you did it! Every minute that passes is you beating anxiety to do it! X

10-04-13, 21:49
Hey Lissa, no need to be disappointed with yourself, it happens. And in terms of age, we all go through phases and our feelings on things can fluctuate. Lovely that you have your dog for company. Maybe it's a sign of how much you like your boyfriend around that you feel this way, that you are generally very comfortable with things when he is there.
I recall first time I stayed in my current house on my own I heard an animal noise outside & got spooked. Then I told myself, look you gotta get used to it because it'll probably be part of living in this place. Been here 20 years now.
I like having the TV on when I'm home alone. It just feels like company. Our cat keeps me company so if my partners not around, I don't feel alone.
Lizzie's right about trying to make it enjoyable. See what you can do, Give your dog a cuddle any time u feel a bit flustered as they would probably like the extra attention.....
At least you have a few million (slight exaggeration) friends here on NMP so you truly aren't alone
:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: :grouphug::grouphug:

11-04-13, 12:03
What lovely replies, thank you! There's just so much thinking time when you're on your own.... I've done 5 nights and boyf is back on Tuesday. I'll try and take some advice and perhaps go and get a new book or a box set to zone out to. Life has been so stressful over the last 2/3 years that it occured me this is the first time I've been alone for years. My boyfriend was in a bad place with bipolar and my mum had a stroke nearly a year ago - so if I wasn't caring for him I was looking after her.

The dog is definitly doing well out of this. I've been going on 3 hour long walks to get out of the house and letting him on the sofa for cuddles :)

Thanks for the support, it really is appreciated xxxx

11-04-13, 14:02
Hey Lissa, I'm really glad the replies were helpful. This place is great isnt it? You're right about there being so much thinking time when you're on your own.... mind you, I'll be home alone for the evening as my partner's going out with colleagues. I havent had the house to myself in living memory so I'm looking forward to it. She probably wont be that late but seomtimes I need time to myself as it feels like I'm giving bits of myself to everyone at times.
Sounds like you are dong well. You've had such a lot to contend with of late havent you. Silly I know, but I'm glad you've got your dog for company. Long walks to get out are really good for you; and letting him on the sofa for cuddles, well I'd do the same (with my cat).

11-04-13, 20:21
Lissa don't feel disappointed that you're finding it hard, be proud that you're doing it!!

I really struggle with staying alone and am trying to get used to it again so can understand how anxiety inducing it is. Fair play to you for putting yourself in that situation!

11-04-13, 20:35
Tessar - this place is really amazing. I wish some of you could come and live on my street!

Lost 2012 - I'm not here on my own by choice. It was either this or go visiting my boyfriends parents which is 10x worse ;) I was sitting watching telly the first night he was away and I thought 'isn't it weird that being alone doesn't freak me out when everything else seems to?'. And then I started thinking about all the reasons to feel scared when alone. So, I guess I have myself to blame for thinking myself into it :) x

11-04-13, 21:30
I like the idea of NMP people living on the same street, but what would the road name be? Happy Street sounds a bit corny. Maybe Pleasant Way....?

14-04-13, 23:10
Hey Lisa,

dont feel dissapointed! i know how u feel because i dread being home alone i always think im going to pass out for some reason, im always on edge and have to clean to calm my nerves. its ridiculous i feel like im a nutter for worrying.

14-04-13, 23:30
hi Lisa,
I also get anxious on my own and feel such an idiot as i'm in my 30's too it's horrid and makes me feel rubbish. But on a plus note you/we are not on our own in feeling like this!
Take care hope you have a good week....do the things you enjoy. x

15-04-13, 11:23
i feel like im a nutter for worrying.

natty; if you are a nutter, then that makes many of us nutters toooo! We can all live together on Nutty Street and feel happy in our crazy little world. In fact, becasue we'd all think in similar ways then actually we would feel normal!!!