View Full Version : Panic again Help!!!!

20-09-06, 14:05
So sorry too make a new post but I am feeling dreadful today. There was I thinking I was getting better but last night I had panic attack after panic attack I just could not clam down. Now today I have the feeling like I can’t swallow and just can’t get these thoughts out of my head.

I think my husband is so sick of me. I was doing so well I could just sit down and cry :(


Barry Daniel
20-09-06, 15:15
Hi Melxx

I'm sorry to hear that your not so good today. Sometimes my wife can get sick of my and what I go through but we eventually sort things out by talking more. Try to keep with it and I hope you have a better day.


20-09-06, 15:47
im sorry to hear your going through a bad time, the feeling you cant swallow is a common one in anxiety. try correcting these what if thoughts i know its hard babe, but try it does help.

take care

20-09-06, 16:55
Hi Mel,

Sorry to hear you're feeling bad. I was like that a few weeks ago. One after another all night, the next day I was dazed and my throat was aching and tight for a few days.

But it will get better. I forced myself to eat a little at a time, because your body needs fuel. But now I'm back at work and sleeping well again. Hang in there honey.

My hubby read your post and said it could be you just think your husband is fed up but he isn't. They sometimes feel helpless, and don't know how to help us. He gets fed up with the illness, but not with me. (Though when I'm down I find it hard to remember this. :-))


20-09-06, 17:07
Hi Mel,sorry your having a bad time.Me to!!! I had a good week last week but yesterday and today feel awfull.Very anxious,but managed to control the panic this morning.I have lots of aches and pains as well.
I agree with Lisa,families want ot help,but do feel helpless at times.Your hubby loves you,and Im sure he isnt sick of you.It is really hard well you start to feel so good and then it all happens again,makes me reall angry.
You are not alone,big hug to you.;)

Ellen XX

20-09-06, 17:30
Hi Mel,
(((((BIG HUGS)))) to ya!!! I know how miserable that throat thing is.
Hope you feel better real soon!!!


polly daydream
20-09-06, 18:47
Hi Mel, keep your chin up sweetheart, things will get better.

Polly x

20-09-06, 20:14
Hi Mel,

Hope you feel better soon.xx

Take Care


Two heads
20-09-06, 21:05
Just a blip mel,dont worry sweet you will be back to your old self soon.
I known how you feel about the intrusive thoughts they can be a real pain.I get horrid thoughts most days and thats what starts the panick,as with most.
I hope you feel better tomoz,

20-09-06, 21:33
Well what a great bunch of people you are on here. I don't know what I would have done without all your messages today. So I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all the hugs and kind words.

I am feeling so much better tonight. I am seeing my councillor in the morning she told me there could be a few set backs along the road to recovery but all in all she is so pleased with my progress.

Had a good talk too my hubby tonight and guess what he told me he had not even noticed I was panicking and that he will always be here too support how ever long it takes. He has really put up with a lot from me and I just felt he must need a break from all this. Hes told me I am wrong thats all in my head not his. So I feel better for talking things over with him.

I think it was driving from Birmingham to Oxford yesterday the first time I have done that in 7 months brought the panic on I hate the motorways and was tense all the way there and back had too keep stopping at the services stations to claim down but as my mom just said on phone you did it Mel.

So just too thank you all so much again could not have done without you today.

Big hugs back

Mel xx

21-09-06, 07:59
Good for you!!! When you are stressed every thing goes out of proportion. Take care.

21-09-06, 08:04
its great to hear you are feeling better. but even though you found that drive hard you did it!!! we get through no matter how hard it is, the thing is to keep trying. you did great! we are all very strong people to deal with this and yet still function, what brave warriors we are.
all the best to you and your hubby
mandy xx

positive attitude brings positive results

21-09-06, 22:43
Thanks for the new replies Matilda and Surreylady, Ellen I hope you are feeling better today sending you a ((((((hug)))))))) and Lisa thank you for telling me your hubby thoughts on my post it helped me to put things into perspective and today in hindsight I don’t even know why I was feeling that way when all my hubby has done is offer me support and understanding.

Anyway on a more positive note after seeing my councillor. I phoned my mom and drove too Oxford and took her shopping and felt so much better driving this time.

Tomorrow I am driving my son too London. For a meeting I sang all the way to Oxford today can’t do that tomorrow my son thinks I sing like a sheep and he’s right :)

Take Care everyone
