View Full Version : Stress? Some one help

11-04-13, 00:07
so im going to move out soon found out today its something i wanted to do for a long time? i havent had a panic attack for some time now but when they come they are really bad! huge panic attacks i have after the news of today i have had 5 palpations where i can notice one huge heart beat just one but also had the first one when i woke up ? before i new about new flat they have been more recent for about 4 days i have had one palpation a day! is it happing beacuse im thinking and worrying about them ? the doctor says it is palpations i have had so many ecgs !! but i kept feeling these horrible freaky beats and no one was intressted and it worried me sick!!! anyways when i had an arugement they where there for about 25 mins one after another out of control lucky i rang 999 they taken me to hosp! and they told me i had entopic heart beat so i says can i have that ecg to take to my doctor to show then she told me i would of always had it so why didnt my doctor tell me? why when im happy i feel panicky as when im down stressed and sad!???????????? does any one else feel like this?

11-04-13, 00:09

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

11-04-13, 15:46
all the time i get very similar symptoms. its like part of the brain constantly looks for trouble!

12-04-13, 17:40

Palpitations, for many, will often come when your at your most relaxed (as they seem to do for me), whilst others when they are feeling very anxious.

Often there is no pattern at all, and of course ECGs will only pick these palpitations up if you happen to actually experience one with the ECG hooked up to you.

Your best bet if you are worried, is to keep trying. The likelihood is that your palpitations are just a symtom of your anxiety (and anxiety cannot harm you, as much as your body is telling you otherwise).

I wish you all the best.