View Full Version : Hey I guess i'm new, well three weeks new.

11-04-13, 14:23
Hi there. I'm an Australian, I have spent nearly all of my adult life overseas... When I first went back home 5 years ago, I got severe culture shock, anxiety, and panic attacks. and I just mainly had a lot of anxiety, which I've had on an off through my life.

I have been able to deal with it. 5 years ago, I was prescribed Prozac, but I decided if depression was my problem, I could deal with it without prozac... I went back overseas, decided any anxiety was just me being lazy and I would remind myself of the terrible feeling I had 5 years before, and I had to train my mind. It was a tough battle, but I found that I struggled but could get results, and times that it was too much, I would just stay at home, or if I needed to leave for a reason, I would maybe have cigarettes, and even alcohol to try to calm myself down if i was in a nervous state.

More recently, I realised that I was in long depression that could go from months to who knows, as I returned home to Australia. The times I went out, often resulted in me panicking or having anxiety. I would drink before these, but sometimes I didn't and would feel that way.

Anyway I've been taking Fluoxetine/Prozac for 3 weeks now, and I have been writing up my results, I feel good today, so I thought I might introduce myself. Here is my Prozac log.


11-04-13, 15:02
Hi ChristopherT :)

I'm glad you're feeling good today and introduced yourself, a big welcome! I hope that this site provides you with lots of support, theres a great little community on here which I'm sure you will beenfit from.

Wishing you the best

12-04-13, 07:28
Thanks Hannah!

I don't get much interaction on here from people... but I still enjoy it. I appreciate your reply, thanks very much, stay smiley! :)

12-04-13, 07:56
Hi Christopher and welcome! I had a quick look through your diary blog and it's a great resource and will be great for you to reflect on!

13-04-13, 18:39

I have just had my first attack a few weeks ago and its still a bit Challenging !!
Hope you are progressing and reply if you want

16-04-13, 11:53
hey Lilharry. Thanks for your response. I'm glad didn't think I would get any more.

Also glad you thought it would be a good resource and helpful for me... I know this is a time when help will come in handy.

---------- Post added at 10:53 ---------- Previous post was at 10:51 ----------

Hi Ginge...

Yes. I remember having my first panic attack... I still wasn't sure if I would call these eppisodes panic attacks until recently. I met and old friend, and it bothered me she said I had changed. I'm starting to think now, a lot of it could be from a bad relationship, and I am on the way out now... So I hope it goes well.

Hopefully things will get better for you too... Reply if you feel like it.

16-04-13, 12:03
Hi Christopher.

Hoping everything is well with you. :)


17-04-13, 12:31
Yes! i haven't had a panic attack since I started, and not really any anxiety of late, so things are good... Check my diary thing out sometime if you want! :yesyes: