View Full Version : scared of these ectopics...please help

20-09-06, 14:31
im so scared today..im terrified these ectopics are going to kill me.......im sat here crying as im typing this, i know they are not meant to be harmful but i just dont "trust" my heart...
I was stood up earlier and just happened to check my heartbeat-when it did this weird flutter-not proper beat, it was like it quivered for a bit before it started to race....im so worried i dont even know if it was an ectopic im so scared i will just collapse and no one will know-im in on my own all day with the kids.....i went straight on the phone and made a doc appointment for in the morning- ive read its dangerous to get more than 6 in a minute or to get more than 4 in a run-i dont know if what i experienced was about 4 all at once-im so scared...can anyone reassure me on this...

Two heads
20-09-06, 16:04
Hi there sweet!
It sounds very much like ectopic sweet so please try not to get yourself in a state as this will increase them.I have suffered these for a whlie and it has given me a fear that something is wrong with my heart.So much so that im having tests!
They will NOT kill you,they are harmless.Have you try cutting out caffeine?My cardio told me to avoid this as it makes them worse.
I also find that when i have an overload of sugar it makes me worse.
I bet you will find that your ecg at docs will be fine hun!Bending down makes them worse and sometimes even when i talk to much i seem to get more,lol.
Try not to read to much about them as this may make you just worry even more.
You will be finexxxxxxxx

20-09-06, 16:46

I have these all time and they have been so much worse lately and again I find myself gripped by fear. I think out of all the symptoms I have ever had this one is truly the worst to have to deal with. Its because its the heart and the more you wory about it the worse they get....vicious cycle! This said however, I have had these for 7 years now and I have had almost every test done and all have said I am fine, these beats cannot harm you. What happens is the second beat comes a little to quick and as this is out of the normal rythm we notice it as it creates a thud/flutter/flip-flop sensation. Do you normally check your pulse? As perhaps if you had not then you would not have even known, as most people suffer these funny beats without noticing them....just unfornate that some people do feel them! Checking your pulse is the wrong thing to start making a habit out of though...beleive me!
These beats are not dangerous alone, only if accomponied other symptoms should you then seek medical advice. I think your GP will confirm this with you at your appointment in the morning, make sure you are entirley happy with the explanation given and any questions you have ( however silly you might think they are) ask your doctor! Nip this in the bud before it really becomes a problem. Take care


20-09-06, 17:00
argh love please dont worry im having them right now because im anxious , ive had an irreguler heart beat for years big hugs dont upset yourself luv suexx

20-09-06, 23:25
hi there
try not to worry i have them nearly everyday and i know how awful they are. i've been having them for six months and they scare the hell out of me to. the more you worry about them the more you will get them,believe me i know. i had a really busy shift at work today, rushing around like mad and do you know i didn't have one because i wasn't thinking about them which is unusual for me coz i think about them from morning till night. Had a run of them this morning before i went to work coz i was worrying about them and iwas on my own. as for the fluttering sensation i've been having that for nigh on twenty years so it can't be nothing to worry about. adrenaline has a weird effect on your heart and fear feeds the fear. I know next time i get them i will go to pieces, it just goes round and round. Don't worry about getting a few in a row, i can get them for hours. i think the more frightened you are the more you get but its so hard not to be scared coz they are so awful.
Don't know if you have read claire weekes books but she says they are not dangerous and your heart will not stop. We just have to try and believe it. try not to worry. hope everthings ok.

21-09-06, 12:56
thankyou all for replying its good to know you understand and i am not alone with this-a bad week for me this week....probably be a little better next(fingers crossed)x

22-09-06, 12:20
Hi there

I have been suffering from ectopics for 5 yrs now sometimes it still scares me, i've had them alot recently you just seem to wait for the next one to come. I try to keep myself destracted from them if i can and i try not to think about them but that can be hard.

Try not to worry to much.

linda xx