View Full Version : so upset, petechiae fear

11-04-13, 19:31
I just go in the shower and was having a wash and found this group of horrible spots on my waistline (just before my groin)


I cannot work out if they are red or brown :(
My fear at the minute is Leukaemia. I had a blood test 3 months ago and it came back normal, but recently because it's my current obsession I'm noticing little things like the stuff you see in the picture, tiny bruises and other stuff.

What do you think the spots look like? They do not blanch when pressed on. I have a few on the other side aswell, just not as many.

Terrified :(

11-04-13, 21:35
Hey :) I have loads of these come up all the time, I showed my doc once and she said they were completely normal and to imagine all the things our skins touch every day ... I'm sure they're nothing to worry about :) x 50

11-04-13, 22:46
Thank you though I am still scared :( my blood test was 3 months ago, sure the disease wouldn't have managed to start in those 3 months alone, wouldn't there be signs before hand?

12-04-13, 10:57
Hi Reiss just a thought - could the spots be caused by friction from your underwear?

12-04-13, 11:52
Hi Di darling.
Well I'm guessing that must be it because today the spots are like 90% gone, they are there very lightly.