View Full Version : Advice needed

11-04-13, 20:06
Hello everyone, first off I would like to sincerely apologise if I am posting this on the wrong website / forums , but its all I could find online and I really could use some help.

My father was diagnosed with depression about 14 years but refused treatment, he has allways had his his and lows, but it wasnt until november 2011 that he was diagnosed with having a mental breakdown , and he finally accepted he needed help. up until the start of january he seemed like a new person , he would still have have his lows but there were more highs.

His depression has been caused ( the docs think ) by a bereavment issue with his father after unforscene circumstances caused them to not speak for over 18 years.

He has accepted this and had bereavment councilling along with the home care treatment and medicine, but he has a compulsive jealousy order of some sorts over my mother, and after the circumstances with his dad, he trusts nobody and is scared day in day out of losing things/people/his family, to a point that he has made my mothers life a living hell with his controlling behaviour, she feels as she can only describe as a caged animal.

My mothers side if her family is huge , and all extremely close, my fathers side is just him and his mother.

My mother has been invited along with her 6 sisters to my cousins fiances hen doo in spain for 3 nights. My father after realising me and my brother paid for her as a suprise to go with all her family has hit the roof.

He has not spoke to my mother in 5 days and barely passes words with anyone else, she confronted him this evening about the lack of words passed like we have all done this to spite him , and hes flipped a lid, i know when he had his breakdown he was crying for hours none stop and attempted suicide.

After his blowout and smashing the room up , i made my brother take my mum and my little sister out the house whilst he calmed down. I left him his own space in his bedroom and made a coffee , I have just been upto him and had to wrestle , yes WRESTLE his loaded semi automatic shotgun out of his hands , which was positioned in his mouth with the safety off.

He is sobbing and just lying on his bed now but I am only 24 and I can't handle this alone, I do not trust him in the house with anything after this "fight" we had , what help can I get or assistance without having to keep a watchful eye on him in fear of him taking his own life.

Since his breakdown months ago, I have to try play the roles of father husband and brother, aswell as run my own business, and take care of all the bills / food ect ect , I am not seeking advice on financial help , I am seeking advice on help for my father and myself , as I am fearing I will slip down the same path as alot of responsibilty has been placed on me and I am struggling to cope emotional by being an ear for everyone else, allways putting on a strong face for my mother and siblings , I have no1 to talk to

I apologise again if this isnt the place for this but I had to try

11-04-13, 21:54
I would get in contact with your GP and ask for advice you can't tackle this alone. Maybe you will have to get the crisis team involved or social services.
I would remove anything from the house that may be of potential danger to yourself, your family or your dad.
I think he needs professional help.

You are under a lot of pressure, perhaps you could ask your doctor to refer you for CBT, or self refer, it would help you move forward from all this in a positive manner.

11-04-13, 22:04
I agree with BobbyDog, you cannot handle this situation alone and I think you should contact the crisis team ASAP to get some help. I also suggest that you speak to your doctor as this must be having an affect on you. You are very young to be dealing with all off this and maybe counselling for yourself would be a good idea. Your GP can refer you. Get some help ASAP. I think the shotgun needs to be removed from your home and to a safe place.:hugs::hugs:

11-04-13, 22:50
I'm really sorry you're in this difficult position. You have been under a huge amount of pressure and the incident with the gun must have terrified you.

I agree the shotgun needs to be removed from the house. Could you maybe ask the police to collect it? Your father would probably lose his firearms license, but that might not be altogether a bad thing. Be careful about taking it anywhere yourself, I don't know where you would stand legally on that.

I think you need to get in contact with your father's GP about some crisis support for him. The GP must maintain confidentiality and cannot discuss your father with you, however, you can discuss your father with his GP. If you don't know who is your father's GP, then your own should be able to do something too. In an immediate emergency situation, you can dial 999.