View Full Version : Choosing to Heal

11-04-13, 20:50
Hi everyone,

I'm struggling a little today, at the moment I'm going through vestibular rehabilitation therapy to help me recover my balance. I have lots of problems with my vision and ears and it's getting me down today. My vision is a bit messed up and it makes everything seem so weird and surreal sometimes, kind of like the depersonalisation that some anxiety sufferers experience. Ordinary things can be very challenging, like simply working on a computer or reading. I am exhausted a lot, and often find myself just trying to get through the day so that I can be back in bed and asleep again as soon as possible.

I worry sometimes that I will always live in this weird messed up world with funny balance and vision. I worry about living a life that doesn't really feel like I'm actually here. But I know that this is the story that I'm inventing, my physio thinks that I should be a lot better in the future and in fact I have improved a lot over time.

I know that a positive mental attitude really helps with recovery, and by holding the belief in my mind that I will heal will help me to do so. And when I'm doing my exercises I try to repeat to myself that I choose to heal, to help reinforce that the exercises are helping me and that I *will* get better.

I guess I wanted to ask if you're having a bad day what do you do to keep that vision of a better you in mind? Do you have any techniques to share that help you see a brighter better future and to hold onto it?

In the past it was very easy for me to dive deep into anxiety or despair when I felt like this, but now I try to constantly remind myself to just accept this problem I'm having and hold a vision of a health future in my mind. So I guess that's a small improvement too :)

Any advice or just a chat would be appreciated x

11-04-13, 21:42
Try making plans, perhaps taking up a new hobby.
I have just started a distance learning course and am also doing a bit of decorating. Keeping busy and having something outside my body to focus on really helps.
Pets also take your mind off your problems, mine do anyway.
If I am really anxious I go out for a power walk, it gets the endorphins flowing.

11-04-13, 21:51
Thanks BobbyDog, keeping busy is a good idea, sometimes I allow myself to wallow in the self pity a bit! Lol

I actually have plenty of hobbies and I've begun work on a new project, I'm going to write a childrens book :) I just find that by the end of the day I'm exhausted from the balance problems (in time this will get better as I recover) and find all I want to do is lie down and rest rather than do anything active. I try to watch some comedy TV shows to lighten my mood when I'm too tired to do anything else!

I really look forward to the day I can have pets, I'm dying to have a dog and cat! I won't get a pet right now, I live in an apartment and work all week long so I'm not in an idea place to have one. But for the moment I love to look at sites like cute overload to get some cute into my day :)