View Full Version : what are your worst fears?

20-09-06, 16:15
anyone feel like this? your scariest fears?

we are all stronger people after having this

22-09-06, 16:33
I put other.

Other for me is fear of failure in front of others and fear of ridicule.

31-10-07, 21:29
i put other - i fear i will lose everything around me in an instant here one minute gone the next that i am going to miss out on life

04-11-07, 23:20
I put other, fear mainly that i will collapse, faint and die, doesn't matter where i am or who i am with, couldn't care less of making a fool out of myself either, lol.

05-11-07, 03:29
I put end up in a mental unit - Visited one the other day to see a psychiatrist.

GOD FORBID i ever end up in a place like that


05-11-07, 12:44
Im most of them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:weep: :weep: :weep:

05-11-07, 13:47
I just live from day to day. Whats the use worrying about something unless you can do anything about it, like quitting smoking, or keeping fit.

05-11-07, 17:49
ever since the gp asked me if I am gonna do anything stupid , cos I couldnt stop crying , I have had a fear of suicide :blush: , it terrifies me , so my hubby said the fact your scared of it tells you , you wouldnt do it :shrug: .

I am almost phobic of the word , and worry about what if I did it cos I get depressed (sounds mad I know) , I actually have panic attacks if I think about it.

any advice please.

05-11-07, 19:16
Hubby's right Mirry!!
If you are worried about it and have a fear about it - then you won't do it!!!

Even if you have a thought about it doesn't mean that you will do it!!!

Heck I've THOUGHT about alot of things in my time and then just the fact that it entered my mind scared me but they are just thoughts.
Thoughts and actions aren't always related!
I thought about racking the hubby last nite cuz he made me angry but I didn't do it!!
The thought itself tho was enough to satisfy the anger I had at the time!!

05-11-07, 20:00

Lately I have been feeling terrible to even mention this ,
the fear it raises in me is extream , infact I couldnt eat my dinner tonight cos I worried about it so much :lac: .

just to have the reasurrance you have given me has calmed me ,

thank you, thank you, thank you :hugs:

12-11-07, 02:00
My fears are that my symptoms get worse or that my symptoms are that of something chronic and that i'm going to die...

Like everyone else here i just want to feel normal and healthy so i can go on with my life..

12-11-07, 04:37
My worst fear is being afraid I won't stop being afraid long enough to finish a wonderful life and everyone that has anxiety won't realise its all for nothing until it is to late!

22-11-07, 21:08
I voted ending up in the mental unit as I've just got out of one due to a bad reaction to Fluoxetine (Prozac.)

I was in there 2 weeks for playing music 3 days and 3 nights in a row at full whack and wouldn't wish the experience on anyone.

The damn :nicked: actually tricked me into stepping outside my house then sectioned me for having a psychotic episode in a public place! They would've needed a warrant otherwise!


25-11-07, 13:27
My mum ended up in the psychiatric unit after a failed suicide attempt, and I just remember receiving a phone call from her saying 'Get me out of here. NOW!'. I could hear the other patients shrieking round her. it sounds awful, but actually it was really quite funny - it certainly made her chirp herself up a bit, too!

02-12-07, 22:43
I ticked 'other' as my greatest fear is two things really - the first one is of losing control of my sanity and going crazy and running around in front of others screaming and begging for help.

The second is that my condition will regress to such a degree that I will be completely housebound with agoraphobia, will be totally dependent on other people and will never be independent again.


03-12-07, 19:25
I put losing myself 'cos it covers a lot of things, very scared I'll lose control and end of with full blown mental illness or become suicidal.
Just had panic attack as I typed this.

18-12-07, 18:37
just a shame we could only choose one from the list! i could have ticked a fair few. lol


18-12-07, 22:33
My fears are - having a heart attack and dying. I suffer from ectopics like a lot of people on here and i worry there is a major problem with my heart & it will kill me!!

I worry about my sons future

I worry about my parents passing away

All this leads to unhappy thoughts which make me feel very depressed.


19-12-07, 15:54
i have a fear of mostly everything there but if i had to pick one i picked future just because i dont no whats gonna happen :( im scared of it and i dont wanna be lonley like this all my life

05-02-08, 12:33
I put Other.
Mine is the fear of reincarnation and coming back as myself :doh:

05-02-08, 15:11
Thanks dave lol you have just given me something else to worry about!
I fear for anyone who might come back as me :ohmy:

Seriously though I could have ticked all the boxes, but I think my underlying fear of all I fear is cancer and leaving my children.


05-02-08, 15:17
my worst fear is never getting rid of this anxiety


05-02-08, 16:58
my worse fear is never being able to go out again except to the corner shop

buzzing bees
15-02-08, 15:30
my fears are people ,n, places even shopin, i get feelin people are staring at me they maybe luking strate ahead but my brain tels me
it me there looking at

15-02-08, 21:42
Fear of fear ehh, hard I know but acceptance is the key. Once we accept then we can move forward. We are not odd we are normal people who are suffering a high level of anxiety. so other for me....

26-02-08, 21:13
A fear of going mad, as I have felt close sometimes, and worry about what I might do. A fear of being institutionalised again (I was for two weeks last year) and a fear of never being "normal".

26-02-08, 23:50
The future, definitely.
Just saying it scares me

08-03-08, 09:32
I opted for "other" cuz my worst fears are:

- death
- losing conscienceness
- cardiovascular dysfunctioning or disease
- reliving extreme panic attacks, even though they've happened so often
- I think that's it

Hope 2
10-03-08, 12:59
Worst fear .............ultimately boils down to.................death.
Of me or my daughter , because of something I do wrong .

10-03-08, 16:40
Cancer is definitely mine too. I found a lump in my neck at the end of November last year. GP said it was nothing to worry about (!) It turned out to be my thyroid and I had a needle biopsy, ultrasound, and then an operation to remove half of my thyroid. The lump ( which apparently was really big ) was benign thank goodness, but two weeks after getting the good news, I'm an absolute wreck. I imagined I would feel better immediately but, if anything, I actually feel worse. Second biggest fear is never feeling any better than this, which is too bad to even contemplate.

16-04-08, 07:55
I put other also, my worst fear and my constant fear it seems is dying, sigh.....

16-04-08, 10:21
My biggest fear is the future - I'm not a fan of uncertainty! Although I am now trying to embrace the fact that the uncertainty of future is exciting, rather than frightening.

I guess another fear is of people, but that is more to do with my worry over them not liking me. I like being around people but just fear what they think of me sometimes.

Jo xxxxx

25-04-08, 22:32
my worst fear is the future...the unknown...being alone in the end.

I'm not afraid of being alone , I just don't want to be alone for the rest of my life.

Sometimes I wonder if I do find a compassionate partner if I'll still feel alone on the inside ?

29-04-08, 05:10
If someone surrounds you in love, makes you feel special and whole and shows you empathy and understanding, I can't see how anyone could feel alone...........and one day you won't either because after all, who Wouldn't want a kind caring loving person!?:bighug1:

29-04-08, 09:09
I fear being like this forever, going mad and ending up in a mental unit....losing everything, effecting my children so it messes up their future, people being sick of me cos im still ill, letting people down, becoming a burden....

07-05-08, 09:46
I fear for the future of my children and that I might not be there for them when they need me. I guess this is the source of many of my anxieties and worries and I often think that if I'd known ten years ago what I know now, I'd never have had the nerve to start a family. Love 'em to bits though...


07-05-08, 13:34
my biggest fear is dieing and leaving my kids. and to think this world will carry on as normal and i wont be a part of it

13-01-09, 16:15
My fear is dying in my sleep and my husband or son finds me dead. I would love to overcome this fear but don't know how too

30-01-09, 17:36
I suppose my biggest fear used to be being alone but now it has shifted to losing my mind the effects the depression had on me scared me and i would hate to go that low that id end up in a psyshchiatric unit though i believe there are worse things just it scares me:blush: a little i dont dwell .

04-02-09, 13:34
I get by in life with the help and support from my husband and mental health team. My biggest fear is just not being able to cope. I have been in that position several times which has resulted in me being admitted to a psychiatric hospital.

31-08-09, 22:30
that i will die or my family might