View Full Version : nothing like diagnosing yourself.\

11-04-13, 22:19
So just before I nod of for no doubt another nights sleep that I will wake up from feeling like I've not even been to sleep and look like I've went rounds with a boxer, I've decided tonight that I've got HIV.

There's no real rational thinking towards it, albeit I have had unprotected sex it's never been with someone unknown to me or in a high risk situation.

Why do I do this to myself, and why did I check google, because I've had a slightly sore throat of late?

anyway feeling slightly sorry for myself. :scared15:

Carly Lou
11-04-13, 22:38
Hey fraz... I have done the exact same !!! I was feeling fine earlier... not one pain or anything... i felt normal... other than a rash i have that is from stress but my health anxiety has decided some underlying medical issue.... anyway...
i had a bath and got out and my feet were burning and felt tight... I googled and now have decided i have MS !!!!!!!!!!
I hate hate HATE google !!!!! ive no decided i have many symptoms of MS
oh & to add to my constant thought i have some female type cancer... even tho my smear 5 months ago was clear... im thinking this because ive had abdominal pains every now and then.... !!!
Im with you on this and know how you feel xxxxx

11-04-13, 22:42
yeah, It's one thing after another, anxiety seems to just reek havoc, then it's up to you decided what killer disease you have.

Mines jumps from one thing to another, but this most recent one, HIV has got me right scared, its completely irrational. Saying that and convincing myself seem to be two completely different matters though.

Carly Lou
11-04-13, 22:48
I know lol... i understand.... i wish i could listen to my pwn advice... i diagnosed myself with a brain tumour about 2 months ago... funnily enough those symptoms have gone and now its MS cancer of the cerviv or ovarian cancer i have... oh and dvt aswell !!!!
its bloody silly.... i hate it.... Ive had the HIV scare.... it was hell... i had a test done in the end... im going back about 5 years ago.... anxiety just jumps from one symptom to the other and you do feel so unwell with anxiety which makes it so much more real..
now i have got urticaria which is live hives... all caused by stress.... so now i cant hide it like i could hide my anxiety symtpoms... so i really need to start snapping out of this now !!! 27 years old and ive been convinced im dying for 5 years.... mmm lush lol xx

11-04-13, 22:55
ah that is no good, I had general anxiety about 4/5 years ago, and then a panic attack hit me last october and that was it I'm in the situation I am in now, sitting convincing myself I'm on the long route to death. fun times.

I hope you start feeling better soon.


14-04-13, 18:18
I go through this so many times in my head, i thought i was the only one. I google symptoms at night i freak mysel;f so much, cervucal cancer is mie at the moment :(((

14-04-13, 20:57
Franzm88 I conpletely sympathise - this is my current fear. Do you mind me asking when was your last unprotected encounter? & when did your sore throat happen? Is this the only symptom?

14-04-13, 22:00
Stupidly just dr googled sinuses and am now really freaking out - looked at worse case scenarios, of course!

15-04-13, 12:16
Jonoh - it was 4/5 weeks ago, It's not much a sore throat rather a sore neck and yeah it's the only symptom, it's my mind driving me crazy to the point I'm convinced myself about it. What brought yours on?

jillyb - ah dr google always the most reliable of doctors! hope your not feeling to bad!