View Full Version : Food OCD?

12-04-13, 05:51
Recently I've developed a problem with food.
When making food I can't use any utensils that have touched anything else. For example if my dad used a baking tray for his chips and I wanted onion rings after I have to use a different clean baking tray as I'd be scared I'd be eating extra calories from the chips somehow.
Same with if my dad fries an egg and I want an omelette after I have to use a different frying pan, if mum makes a cuppa and stirs with a teapoon then I want one I have to use a different teaspoon.
Also my food has to look perfect .
For example yesterday I made a marmite sarnie for lunch.
The butter didnt spread properly and it was all clumpy and horrible and I had to use more and more butter to cover the whole slice of bread. It looked like it had been attacked, I still ate but then panicked after about how much spread I had used it must of been a lot. The same with marmite.now I'm scared I overate yesterday . I took it to work and was too hungry not to eat it but at home that would of gone in thr bin or to my brother.
I also have open obsession with fresh bread. I buy a loaf everyday and use it for the following day and that's it.

---------- Post added at 05:51 ---------- Previous post was at 05:50 ----------

Also if I can't remember what something tasted like I panick.
For example I can't remember the exact taste of my marmite sandwhich from yesterday and then I worry about extra weight gain :(

16-04-13, 18:55
For example I had a peanut butter sandwhich for lunch today and the bread wasn't very soft and I didn't enjoy it to much and it was a bit dry but eatable. I then start to panic that I will put weight on because of this.
Also I can't remember the exact taste of the bread or texture and am trying to remember :(

17-04-13, 18:22
Not happy today had a hot chocolate from the machine at work which I didn't need !
I've had today.
Breakfast: Greek yoghurt, dried apriots, almonds, banana and cornflakes mixed into it.
One cup tea
Snack: banana and options mint hot chocolate 38 calories. Glass of water
Lunch: cheese spread sandwhich on brown bread.105 cal bread. Activia raspberry yoghurt. Apple. Glass of water.
Snack: hot chocolate
Dinner: quiche, beans, salad, coleslaw, two new potatoes. Salad cream. The salad was lettuce, carrots, cabbage and new cherry tomatoes.
Dessert: almond magnum ice cream

Extra drinks: two pints no added sugar cherries and berries squash .

If I hadn't of had the extra hot choc that would of been a good day! No idea how many calories in that.

I was hungry first thing. Starving at lunch and very hungry for dinner. So I must burn it off?

Ps I had a hot choc for a snack as I didn't bring in a snack.
I don't get hungry for that snack but am starving come dinner time so do I skip the second snack?

18-04-13, 18:58
Been good today.

Natural Greek yoghurt with banana and one slice wholemeal toast with peanut butter at 5:45am. Cup of tea
7:30- cup of tea

Snack at 10:15- banana
Lunch- tin of Heinz chicken soup. Apple.
Dinner- chicken stir fry. big portion though.
Dessert: slice of cheesecake.
http://i49.tinypic.com/bgzjat.jpg dinner

Three glasses water.

Took a cup to work to have cup of tea ended up with pouring it into a paper cup as cup was tasting like washing up liquid. were in went everywhere so only drank maybe two thirds over it as It didnt pour good and spilt .This makes me very anxious that ill put on weight. I can't stand it.

---------- Post added at 18:58 ---------- Previous post was at 18:48 ----------

If I ever put weight on all I would do is eat smaller portions for example havs just the yoghurt for breakfast not the toast to. Skip dessert aswell. And have a sandwhich and piece of fruit for lunch not sandwich, fruit, yoghurt, cereal bar .
However does weight build on without you knowing quickly or does it come on gradually ?

18-04-13, 19:05
Hi Emma,

You seem to have a severe obsession with food. Have you ever been to the doctor to talk about this? I think it would be beneficial for you to do so. Do you feel that food rules your life?

Wishing you the Best

18-04-13, 19:13
Going tomorrow afternoon to see a doctor.
Yes it's all I think about.
Like when I spilt part of my tea and drank the other bit. I don't like leaving something or not finishing it as I panic then that ill put on weight !?

19-04-13, 17:31
Well seen my gp.
Wasn't very helpful just said snack on fruit when hungry and stop eating chocolate etc except occasional snacks. He weighed me said I was normal for height. However I have lots of belly and hip fat but he said that's normal on women and I see my tummy bigger than others but I'm embarraaed by it :(
Today have had :
30g serving of golden nuggets breakfast. Cup of tea
Apple for a snack.
Lunch: peanut butter and jam sandwhich. Apple.
Snack: yoghurt coated raisins. 50g.
Drinks: 500ml of water .
One pint cherries and berries squash however I added far to much. It says 250ml when diluted correctly is 5 cslories however as I wasn't watching what I was doing it was nearly half and half so I reckon 50 cslories didn't realise till after when I read the label was having a good day until this happened :(.
Also had orange and mango squash. One pint.

Dinner later is sirloin steak. New pots. Mushrooms. Green beans. Gravy.

---------- Post added at 17:31 ---------- Previous post was at 17:30 ----------

Also have been moving around since 6am this morning at work then back at home.

semper solus
19-04-13, 17:34
A girl after my own heart

golden nuggets, peanut butter, Marmite

I wouldn't give them up for love nor money!!! :) :)

19-04-13, 17:38
Crunchy or smooth peanut butter? Lol I have both together ;)

semper solus
19-04-13, 17:42
I also like both but don't normally have both at once :)

If you like fried egg sarnies try them with a few slices of cheese in them :winks:

19-04-13, 17:45
Last weekend I had fried egg bagels with cream cheese. Amazing.
I love eggs lol.

semper solus
19-04-13, 17:52
I make my own potato salad and put that in fried egg sarnies lol.

We should put our heads together and come up with a whole new recipe book :)

This time next year we could be millionaires!!! :D

19-04-13, 17:54
Sounds nice, have never made my own potato salad. I'm guessing just new pots, mayo or salad cream, celery, cucumber, shredded carrot etc?
My biggest downfall is portion control lol.
We should lol. Could be famous .

semper solus
20-04-13, 10:26
You want my secret recipe :)

You might start your own business and next year be that millionaire without me if I gave it to you!!