View Full Version : Totally overwhelmed

12-04-13, 12:03
I rarely let anxiety get the better of me but today is a bad, bad day. I didn't sleep well, then got up to a letter saying my husband's nasal polyp "involves" his pituitary gland. He has to go for a biopsy in a couple of weeks.

To make matters worse, he has to be at the hosp 15 miles away at 8am and is having a general anaesthetic. I just don't drive on dual carriageways any more so how are we going to get him there. Public transport not an option at that time of day.

Next, I am dreading going to work today. I had to make changes to someone's work last week. He wasn't happy. I am a freelance and he has a titled position. He can make things very difficult for me in various ways.

Underlying this, I have ongoing worries about my daughter. She has epilepsy and is currently sleeping way too much but has important exams in a few weeks. Also anxious about a trip to London next week and, as ever, money.

It's all just too mu ch at the moment :weep:

12-04-13, 12:06
I really don't know what to say to help you but want to send you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:

12-04-13, 12:43
Annie, that's probably the best thing anyone can do. Thanks so much. My husband has called his consultant to try to get an explanation of what this is all about xx

12-04-13, 12:45
I hope he can get more information, the waiting to know is so awful. Please let me know how he gets on. :hugs: xx

12-04-13, 13:19
(((((Jane))))) Sending you hugs. It's a lot for anyone to deal with.

Might you be entitled to hospital transport? Or alternatively, can you stretch to a taxi?

12-04-13, 13:43
Thanks Annie and Edie :hugs:. We have now established it is not a polyp at all, it is pituitary tumour. This is probably fine. Malignancy is "not at the top of the list" but they have to check. I will eventually be fine with this but for now I'm on the verge of a Big PA, trying to calm myself down, rather unsuccessfully for now.

Now I have to go and confront the work situation.

Edie, if it has to be a taxi we'll just have to find the money. Doesn't stop me feeling cowardly though but I'll work on overcoming that xx

12-04-13, 14:11
It is best to get it checked out as you say but hopefully everything will be fine :hugs::hugs:

12-04-13, 21:38
You are coping with such a lot!! Huge hugs x

13-04-13, 00:12
Feeling overwhelmed is horrible, well acquainted with it. Really hope things ease up for you.

13-04-13, 00:48
Thanks everybody. I'm feeling a bit better. No confrontation at work and having my mind occupied stopped me thinking about the tumour for now. And so far my husband hasn't cracked up out about me wanting to drive him to the hosp xx

14-04-13, 11:23
Well, I was feeling a bit better until my daughter had a tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizure in the shower yesterday. My husband had to burst the door open to get to her.

It's heartbreaking to have to watch your child go through this and there's so much to worry about. Can't increase her meds because she can't concentrate at school on a higher dose. She missed work yesterday and not sure how they're going to react - had a horrible experience in her previous PT job. How do you answer her when she says 'why me?'.

And that's without even going near the the really scary stuff, which I won't do on here for fear of upsetting people. Life's been so hard for years and it just gets harder.

14-04-13, 12:23
I'm sorry Jane, I hope your daughter is feeling OK today. As for the answer to "why me?" well maybe she just needs someone to agree with her that it's very unfair.

Sending hugs :hugs:

14-04-13, 12:49
Thanks Edie, have some :hugs: back. She's not too bad today, just a few lingering effects. I did tell her last night I understood why she felt ,like that.

MS, ME, migraines, epilepsy... Thinking of changing our name to the walking neurological disaster family :wacko:

14-04-13, 22:49
I think It's time for me to leave NMP again. Thanks again to everyone who has bothered to post on this thread, your kindness really is appreciated. Other than that I guess this is no longer a place I can come for a little support, which is a bit sad.