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View Full Version : Really had enough now

12-04-13, 12:22
I've been back on my meds for a week and a half now (fluoxetine) and I feel awful. This week alone I have diagnosed myself with breast, oral, and now throat caner as I have a feeling of something constantly stuck in my throat. It hurts my back and chest too. I am absolutely terrified that I will have to have a camera down my throat which is one of my biggest fears.

It doesn't feel like it ever going to go away and i's really scared.

Just needed to vent......sorry


12-04-13, 12:31
I have the lump in my throat feeling, it's just anxiety honey don't worry. My throat clicks too x

Carly Lou
12-04-13, 13:26
After being anxiety free for nearly a year im on a massive relapse and im at the end of my tether too.... ive had one thing after another up with me since jan... and its all thanks to my health anxiety... and to top it off ive just been diagnosed with urtacria which is a skin rash thats caused by wait for it " anxiety and emtotional stress" and i cant hide this symptom its on my bloody face :mad:
Im peeved off too..... its just a constant battle right now.... im convinced i have ovarian / cervical cancer along with MS and some auto immune disease thrown in....

Its totally poop.... & know exactly how you feel xxx

Hope we all feel better soon xxx


12-04-13, 13:42
I had a camera down my throat, the one that goes up your nose, it's uncomfortable but it's not too bad at all and they numb the back of your throat so you don't actually feel it, it just tickled a bit going up my nose.