View Full Version : lightheaded and dizzy and weak body fear

12-04-13, 14:59
hi all

it start about ten days ago, i woke up one morning and the moment i lifted my head from the pillow i felt dizzy. i have had head rushes before and just worked throughout them, but this was different, the disorientation stayed with me for about 3 hours until it started to calm down (or maybe i started to calm down) but it was staff there slightly. anyway it seemed to fade away over next few days, still able to play squash and work. but then on Sunday it came back. if i sat still it felt like my head was swimming, then at time as it a band was pulled tightly around my forehead and then other time it as if my heart beat was in my nose and eyes areas and making pressure feelings. Monday night had a massive panic attacked that wiped me out for the next day. saw doctor half past 4 and she did neurological checks on me which were fine, took my blood pressure which was fine despite being a nervous wreck, and took my pulse which was racing. she said she doest think there is anything physically wrong with me and gave me lorazepam to calm me down. i woke up today not feeling to dizzy until someone said to me wow you look like you have lost weight! i left where i was and ran home to the scales and yep i had lost 4lbs from somewhere which started my panic off twice as worse. i tried to rationalise to myself that since i became dizzy over a week ago i had not eaten a thing hardly and not drunk and really because i couldn't stomach anything, and with constant heart rate up im sure that all plays apart in losing that 4 lbs?

im a mess right now and just seeking some advice or support please!!!!!!!!!!

---------- Post added at 14:59 ---------- Previous post was at 12:46 ----------

people keep saying you look like you lost weight! its freaking me out

13-04-13, 03:03
You probably lost weight due to anxiety. The same thing happened to me recently. I lost around 5 pounds so I make sure to eat and to drink even if I don't want to. I hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

hi all

it start about ten days ago, i woke up one morning and the moment i lifted my head from the pillow i felt dizzy. i have had head rushes before and just worked throughout them, but this was different, the disorientation stayed with me for about 3 hours until it started to calm down (or maybe i started to calm down) but it was staff there slightly. anyway it seemed to fade away over next few days, still able to play squash and work. but then on Sunday it came back. if i sat still it felt like my head was swimming, then at time as it a band was pulled tightly around my forehead and then other time it as if my heart beat was in my nose and eyes areas and making pressure feelings. Monday night had a massive panic attacked that wiped me out for the next day. saw doctor half past 4 and she did neurological checks on me which were fine, took my blood pressure which was fine despite being a nervous wreck, and took my pulse which was racing. she said she doest think there is anything physically wrong with me and gave me lorazepam to calm me down. i woke up today not feeling to dizzy until someone said to me wow you look like you have lost weight! i left where i was and ran home to the scales and yep i had lost 4lbs from somewhere which started my panic off twice as worse. i tried to rationalise to myself that since i became dizzy over a week ago i had not eaten a thing hardly and not drunk and really because i couldn't stomach anything, and with constant heart rate up im sure that all plays apart in losing that 4 lbs?

im a mess right now and just seeking some advice or support please!!!!!!!!!!

---------- Post added at 14:59 ---------- Previous post was at 12:46 ----------

people keep saying you look like you lost weight! its freaking me out

13-04-13, 03:13
Me too, I lost a lot of weight through anxiety. Try to eat little and often if you can't manage a full meal.

13-04-13, 04:24
I've lost weight recently too - quite a lot actually and it's from not eating as much as I used to due to anxiety. All your symptoms sound anxiety related and a lot like how I've been feeling. It's hard to believe that anxiety can cause this stuff, but it really can. Take care of yourself and try doing some exercise and relaxation - yoga is great. Hope you start to feel better soon.

13-04-13, 08:55
Ive had the same for ages. Ive rushed off to a+e too many times with it crying like an idiot (then they treat me like an idiot) convinced Im having a brain bleed or a tumour or ms.They did simple neurological checks, blood tests and thats it. I had a ct scan (non contrast) a month ago which was clear but now ive read that mri is thebest to pick things up :( I also keep thinking i have a swollen aneurysm thats about to burst as I get awful right sided headaches, sometimes while im asleep which wake me up. Drs keep saying migraine, stress etc but I dont believe it.
My ears feel like pressure inside,my eyes are dry (especially one) and feel swollen and sore, im dizzy all the damn time and nauseous. All this points to something serious in my eyes.

Hope you feel better soon, i know how u feel.

Charlotte x

13-04-13, 09:28
Hi, due to anxiety I have lost a lot of weight even though I am eating as much as normal. My doctor said that this can easily happen due to the fact that the stress and anxiety makes you burn more calories. Four pounds is not a lot to loose and I don't know why anyone would notice the difference in you because a lot of people would go up and down like that who don't have anxiety. The time to worry is when your clothes start looking like they are going to fall off you.

Regarding the dizziness, are you taking any medications. I know when I started on citalopram I got dizzy spells which got better the longer I was taking the medication.

If your doctor is not worried then be reassured.