View Full Version : anxiety up/down

12-04-13, 15:47

I had a really good day yesterday, even went to a new dentist and hardly had any anxiety!

No today,felt ok getting up got dressed etc then got like a wave of feeling down. I thought to myself now come on,I decided to go into town.
Driving there I nearly turned back,just thought I feel really down and flat. Carried on trying to prove to myself no do it??
Just got there stayed 10mins and went back to car to come home!

Why is it we can feel fine one day then the next totally back to square one(well not totally) but crap.

Just don't get this illness,one step forward two back. Aghhh:mad:

12-04-13, 15:58
Hi clio, Im feeling exactly the same at the min, after a good couple of weeks i feel like Im back to square one again :-( x x

12-04-13, 16:05
Thanks Nic,

You think we would be used to it by now after year of it, but it still unconscious for six and depletes you.

12-04-13, 18:29

So sorry to hear how you are feeling...but look at the positive side, you did go out and you didn't turn around and go home. The fact that you only stayed out a short while doesn't matter...you should be very proud of what you did achieve.

It really is an illness of ups & downs and like you say, something can happen at any time which knocks you for six. This is a normal part of the recovery process. You have to see it that way, tomorrow you may feel on top of your game again...try not to let it set you back. You have come such a long way hun and I am so proud of you.

Stay positive, Kitti xx :hugs: xx

12-04-13, 18:36
I get days like this too but like Kitti says we have to think positive. You still achieved things today and tomorrow is another day and hopefully a better one :hugs::hugs:

12-04-13, 21:13
Thanks kitti and Anne

It is hard, I do try some days to say to myself it's only a blip come on.
But today I can't seem to do it,even tonight now I've got that flat feeling and some anxiety lurking but trying not to take to much notice of it.
It's weird because it's like a wave that just comes over me for a few minutes.

Yer like you say girls tomorrow is another day :)

12-04-13, 21:36
Hi Clio, I have a really similar pattern. I have a couple of good days, but then a bad one. I try to look for logical reasons, but in truth I think we all just have good and bad days. I guess the key is to carry on regardless and not let it stop you functioning.

Focus on all your achievements, not the tough days. X

12-04-13, 22:35
Thanks starlight for your reply, it's such a battle this illness.it's like a shock to you when it happens because you think this is it the start of feeling well. Suppose I should try to accept each day as it comes,and the good enjoy and the bad well! Try to accept.