View Full Version : Eyeball has a charming red spot on it...help!

12-04-13, 16:54
Now I know rationally I'm being a nervous nellie but I just wanted to check in. I've been doing OK with the shakes and all that, but I got into the car today, looked in the mirror and saw my eye - it's got a cracking big red spot to the left of my iris, about the size of a match-head. I haven't injured my eye or been coughing or sneezing, but there's lots of tiny veins coming from it. My eye feels sore when I look around.

It's frustrating. I feel like my body is throwing symptom after symptom at me to cope with, and I'm beginning to struggle. I'm currently twitching all over, shaking, fluttering in my left ear and ringing in the right, eyes shaking and crap vision. I don't feel anxious in the sense that I'm having a panic attack but I know I'm tuned in for any little health bug.

Anyone had anything similar through 'anxiety'?

12-04-13, 19:44
It's probably a burst blood vessel I had this a few years back, started out how you are describing then the whole side of the eye went red. Obviously I rushed to the doctors and he checked and gave it some fancy name which basically just means burst blood vessel, I had it for a few days then it cleared up, but I remember when it started my eye was feeling quite sore and almost swollen and it was just a small red spot with little veins attached then the whole side went bright red.

So if that happens don't panic, it will clear in a few days can take upto a couple of weeks for some people.

take care

12-04-13, 19:52
I had this the other week! In both eyes for some reason. Mine was a bit larger than yours though. It's essentially just a bruise on your eye, mine faded to a yellow colour and shrunk and vanished. I felt like I had a bit of an eye infection coming actually, though it never did.

I know it's harder said than done, my mind went wild but it was all cleared up in about a week.

Feel better xx

12-04-13, 19:53
I have had this several times in the past for no obvious reason. After it happened to me I started noticing it in other people. I think its probably quite a common thing that just happens. Like Munchlet says, give it a few days and see how it goes.