View Full Version : Low white blood cell count

12-04-13, 17:54
Hi i went to my doctors today for my blood test results and he checked them and said they were fine then he said your white blood cell count is low but its probably because you had a cold when you had the test done. I still have the cold now but its not as bad as it was iam worried now thinking the worst like leukemia or HIV iam trying to fight looking on google i know i will be even worse with my health anxiety anyone had low white blood count before. He has just sent me on my way do you think if he thought it was anything else he would have sent me for more test thanks lee

12-04-13, 18:14
My daughter had blood tests done a few months ago and she was told her white blood cell count was low (she is 27). I was really worried but the doctor just said it was stress. She is fine again now.

12-04-13, 19:06
Hi thanks Annie i think i had a low white blood cell count a few years ago and iam still here now but just worried now

12-04-13, 19:11
It's cyclic anyway so if you have only had one test it might be fine in a few weeks. If its not and you have been feeling healthy then its most likely stress or because of your cold. It is very unlikely to be anything more serious, you would have been showing other symptoms if it was.

12-04-13, 23:29
Thanks Annie i have been feeling a bit unwell but i think it is anxiety and iam a bit run down i sure if the doctor was concerned he would have sent me for more test

13-04-13, 00:27
I has this result a few years ago. I was retested a couple of weeks later and it had gone back to normal - probably a cold or something.

Try not to worry - it's natural for the white blood cell count to go up and down as the body responds to infections etc.


13-04-13, 18:19
Thanks pipkin for your reply just carnt stop worrying

13-04-13, 20:40
I have low white cells often. I run low on neutrophils which lower my white count, then when he repeats it its back to normal, so up and down but my gp isn't concerned. Unless its seriously low they aren't concerned.